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Friday, September 20, 2013

Police Serve Warrrant At Wrong House, Shoot Their Dog, Now Refuse To Pay Vet Bills

The City of Leander, Texas is refusing to pay the medical bills for a German Shepherd dog that was shot when police served a warrant at the wrong address. An officer shot “Vinny” in June, putting the dog in the hospital with $1,500 in medical bills. Luckily he survived and is recovering, but the city is denying the claim against them. The family is planning to sue.



  1. The "Police" state is getting larger and more brazen...not to mention stupid - going to the wrong house. Meanwhile, at the right house (probably next door or across the street) the person to be served is making getaway plans.....

    The Judge taking the case should summarily rule in the dog-owner's favor!

  2. you are much better off suing you will get a lot more money .

  3. Much better off just to shoot the cop...that way he'll never do it again to anyone else.

  4. I just hope they know to have the trial(if there is one) as far away as possible.They also need an attorney from out of state to eliminate a conflict of interest.

  5. If I shot a police dog, I would be guilty of the equal of shooting an officer, but that's not the case the other way around, is it? Bull. Kill the cop; there's no penalty for shooting a dog by a cop, so the reverse must apply.

  6. They should get control of their dog.

  7. 11:06.....the dog did EXACTLY what he was supposed to do....the Keystone Cops, kicking in the door and ready to kill, were totally wrong. With great authority (to kill anything and everything that scares them) comes great responsibility. They (the police) aren't that good with the second part. In fact, they couldn't care less. In such a hurry to kick some ace, they didn't even bother to read the address on the warrant correctly. You must be a cop, thinking it was the homeowners fault for living at the wrong house...

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Much better off just to shoot the cop...that way he'll never do it again to anyone else.

    September 20, 2013 at 1:11 PM

    THAT is just what it is going to take to get these jerks attention.

    If things keep going they way they have been for years, it will happen.

    Sooner or later, hopefully sooner, one person is going to be fed up enough to shoot one of these criminals wearing a badge.

    Contrary to what some naive people still think, most, MOST, cops are not your friendly neighborhood public servants.

    They think they are the masters. And they will continue to think that until someone has the gonads to put them back into their place.


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