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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Police Investigating Arson Of Speed Camera In Md.

ELLICOTT CITY, Md. (AP) -- Police in Howard County say they're investigating the arson of a portable speed camera near Glenelg High School.

Police say a newspaper deliveryman called 911 around 5 a.m. Saturday to report the fire. Fire officials arrived and found the speed camera equipment on fire. They put out the flames and no one was injured.



  1. i love it.......THE WORD IS SPREADING.

  2. Like Delegate Smigiel stated speed cameras are unconstitutional because there is no plantiff to face in a court trial. If police states usurp the constitution there is revolt or consequences.


  4. Fire departments catching fire is more weird.

  5. That is not a mobile camera??.

  6. Great job!!!
    Well Done!!!

  7. Hopefully someones house wasn't burning down or a bad accident happened while the fire fighters were wasting time dealing with this criminal activity. Can't wait tll they catch these idiots.

  8. Good idea thats what they need to do in salisbury

  9. Our Forefathers backed the government down too when they fought them...September 15, 2013 at 5:24 PM


    Love it

    Back the Government down!!!!

  10. The local governments said the cameras was a hot idea.

  11. North on 13, take a left at Foskey Road. Opposite the school just before burm near Woodcreek.

  12. 4:31 Your living in a preemptive fantasy land. Based in chance and possibility.
    Paul Revere was a criminal too.
    (according to your type)

  13. to add to 8:10 and the Colonists were criminals also for destroying ship loads of tea a "criminal activity."
    Every piece of major reform this country has seen was because someone was so passionate they engaged in "criminal activity". This group includes the suffragists, the abolitionists, civil rights supporters and feminists.
    Thank God the country was not full of weaklings like 4:31.

  14. Do the speed limit you don't get a fine it's that simple.......

  15. It's virtually impossible to get through one day without breaking a law, that is a fact. you people that say just do the speed limit are not realistic. Have you ever crossed the center line, followed too close, forgot to turn your lights on when a drop of rain is falling? If you have and they had cameras then you would get a ticket. Speed cams have always been for revenue generation and that is all, it has nothing to do with safety.

  16. 9:24
    I obey the law, but I want these photo enforced speed and Red Light cameras eliminated! It is more that just protecting the children, this is for revenue enhancement pure and simple. It is an infringement of all freedom loving citizens, even the law abiding. In the spirit of 1776, and Robin Hood, the government no longer represents or listens to we the people who pay their salaries! I say get out the spray paint, or paintball guns and let them have it!!!!!

  17. The government cronies should be glad it's not tar and feathers.......well yet anyway

  18. Agreed. Its time WE THE PEOPLE start standing up.

  19. As a retired cop, when we had traffic issues we had a "Traffic Enforcement Unit" that handled the issue. I for one can say they Red Light cameras, and Speed Cameras are nothing but revenue. If it is about safety, put cops there and let them write tickets. Years ago MSP had a fake patrol care they would move around, until someone stole it.

    Cops would be more than happy to write tickets, if nothing else put in speed humps.

    1. I always love it when a cop thinks they know everything. For starters, maybe on the state level they have time for "special enforcement units", but the state has cut so much from the local governments that they don't have time to babysit people that should be following the laws of the road. Also, speed humps can't be placed on collector roads, they are for residential streets. Cops always think they are traffic engineers and don't know the warrants required for installation of traffic control devices.

  20. If anyone is caught and someone wants to start up a bail and lawyer fund account for them i will gladly donate. Tyranny midst be stopped.

  21. I always so the speed limit and in 30+ years of driving have never gotten a ticket nor been pulled over.
    What I don't like is that due process is completely denied with these cameras.
    I have a strong personality, and I will stick by my opinions and beliefs. No one manipulates me.
    Due process should not be circumvented on any level and I can not believe anyone would think this is okay.

  22. Bottom line if you are a real American you do not like this.
    There are no if's and's or but's about it. It goes against all the principles American was founded on, one being the presumption of innocence. These cameras and the tickets issues are based on a presumption that the registrant of the vehicle is the one operating it at the time of ticketing thus guilty. If it wasn't that person driving then it's up to them to prove otherwise which then places the burden of proof on the defendant another very un-American way of thinking.
    It's mind boggling that anyone would even think this is remotely okay.

  23. If any body wants to start a speed camera defense fund, I would be glad and honored to hold your money.

  24. A REAL american did this you moron. Go take a history course , ....IF you can READ.

  25. I saw that 4:53. I think "the do not like this" refers to the speed cameras themselves and not the graffiti and the fire. It's is bit confusing but if you go on to read the rest of the comment it becomes apparent the poster is against speed cameras and feels those that condone the use of them go against the principles the country was founded on thus they aren't real true Americans as in the concept as opposed to someone who just is a citizen.

  26. You can quit the pretentious crap about 'REAL AMERICANS'. Vandalism and arson are nothing to take pride in - for normal people, anyway.

  27. 6:14 would have turned his mother over to the British. REAL AMERICANS don't want to be remotely watched, monitored, and under constant surveillance. REAL AMERICANS, like Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, Samuel Adams, and a host of OTHER REAL AMERICANS understood that tyranny doesn't respond to harsh words, mean editorials, and polite protestations. They respond to, and are driven out and away, with violence (like the killing of British troops, judges, and tax collectors), vandalism (like the Boston Tea Party), and open resistance (like the Battle of Lexington). REAL AMERICANS appreciate limited government power and authority. Sissy, dependent, punk ace, and Nazi PRETEND AMERICANS always need someone to tell them how to live, what to think, and can't get enough of being told what to do. Subserviant, servile flunkies. THOSE kind of PRETEND AMERICANS did not win this country's freedom 235 years ago. They did their best to THWART it. Same as today. Surrender your freedom like the little mindless b*tches you are....leave MY freedoms alone. Or else.

    1. Real Americans believe that we should each take responsibility to follow the rules, not pick and choose which rules it is okay to break. Many are jus upset because these cameras don't make it so easy for certain drivers to continue to act irresponsibly. Just quit crying about it and follow the speed limits around schools, or don't go 12 mph over the speed limit. I can think of many things that your energy would be better spent on. How about supporting the cuts to food stamps?

  28. 9:22 PM

    You are correct. He is one of those who falsely believe authority is always right.

    If that were the case, we would have a queen, instead of king obammy.

  29. 6:14 PM

    Let me guess, YOU think you're normal.


  30. Indeed. And I'll guess you know as much about history and the progression of fascism as my dog. Start thinking for yourself....history DOES repeat itself, but you'd have to know some history to appreciate that...sign your name, you sissie...

    1. I just love it when someone has a difference of opinion with you far right tin foil hat wearers, we are un-American. America was built on being able to disagree with the opinions of others. When you disagree with something, it doesn't make it okay to vandalize. That is ignorance and does nothing for your cause.


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