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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Pat Buchanan Praises Putin NYT Op-ed: 'Outstanding Piece'

At least one Republican liked Russian President Vladimir Putin's New York Times op-ed urging the United States not to attack Syria: Pat Buchanan.

"Candidly, it was an outstanding piece," Buchanan told Fox News Channel's Greta Van Susteren. Buchanan said Putin made a better case against U.S. strikes in Syria than President Barack Obama made in favor of them a night earlier.

Putin laid out a danger of having Syria's chemical weapons fall into the hands, Buchanan said: jihadists and al-Qaida who have infiltrated some of the rebel groups in Syria.

Putin actually wrote in his piece that he believes it was rebels, and not the Syrian government, who used poison gas on civilians last month.

"I don't think Assad is any threat to use chemical weapons against the United States or Israel," Buchanan said. "As for some of the people in the rebel community, I think they are a real threat to use them."


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