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Monday, September 23, 2013

Parents Upset Over School's Corporal Punishment Permission Form

Some parents at Leeds Elementary Public School in Alabama were in for a shock when their kids brought home a permission slip for corporal punishment. It stated that failure to return the form would be considered authorization for school personnel to administer the punishment.

Corporal punishment is legal in 19 states in America. Today in a debate on Fox and Friends, Peter Sprigg from the Family Research Council defended school’s actions. “There are some parents who see this as a legitimate form of punishment and are perfectly happy to delegate their authority and right to use disciplinary spanking to the school as a way of supporting the methods of discipline they use at home.”

Sprigg agreed that ultimately the decision should be left up to the parents.



  1. It alt to be allowed in all 50. that's the problem with kids today not near one of them gets beat anymore. when I was a kid I got spanked in school. turned out okay.

    1. Except your grammar and word knowledge is under par 8:54. Maybe you were getting to many beatings which prevented you from learning. You "alt" to go back to school!

  2. Every State needs this , BUT the Liberal SOFT SO:CALLED Parents that don't properly discipline they rotting kids, let the School do it, that goes for BLACK & WHITE Trash.

  3. I have to sign an ok at private school my kids attend.

  4. ok for schools but parents would be arrested? what's wrong with this picture?

  5. I'm sorry I have no problem with spanking my own kids or letting their grandparents spank them, but I would never let the school do it. There are just too many creepy sex offenders that keep showing up in the school system and I don't want to risk having one of them touch my kids and get off on it. I'd rather punish them myself when they get home, heck call me and I'll come to the school to do it myself right then. Just too many freaks in this world to give anyone permission to touch my kids.

  6. Yea right. You dumb rednecks would be the first ones to go in the school and threaten a lawsuit or beat someone up if they touched your kids. I would love to see the first student in the area get paddled then read the comments on here. The problem is not that kids don't get beat in school. The problem is the lack of parenting skills most people have today. It's not the school who should be enforcing discipline. If my child gets in trouble I expect for the school to call me in for a meeting. I will discipline my own child without abusing them. I got paddled once in school for something I didn't do.

  7. 12:59 Maybe you got "TOO" many beatings.


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