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Saturday, September 14, 2013

O’Malley Slow To Commute Death Sentences

ANNAPOLIS — Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, an outspoken death penalty opponent considering a 2016 presidential run, has yet to commute the sentences of the state’s five death row inmates despite his role in pushing a repeal of capital punishment that takes effect next month.

The Democrat tried for years to push a repeal through the Legislature but struggled to rally votes in the divided Senate, where the chamber’s president is a death penalty supporter. Now that it’s passed, O’Malley — who signed the measure in May — has said only that he would consider commuting the five inmates’ sentences to life in prison on a case-by-case basis once a request is made. So far, none of the death-row inmates has made one.



  1. Waiting till the election.....then he will spring them wonder if he will spring NASAN. THE MILITARY TERRORIST.

  2. LOL. It's not like Maryland is Executing them everyday.

  3. He's waiting to see what's most popular and has the best chance at putting him in the tarnished whitehouse.

  4. Call me optimistic but, once America sees what O'Malley has done for/to MD, his chances at the WH will be a historic illusion.

  5. Worst in a long line of horrible Maryland leaders


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