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Thursday, September 05, 2013

Ocean City Fire Boat Helps In Recovery

OCFD Boat 1, Coast Guard and MDE on scene for salvage and recovery operation from Saturday boat fire. Tuna tower of 46' Bertram showing.


  1. Hey Salisbury! Read this. LOL. This is how you use a fire boat. Not make burger runs.

  2. Great job! Teamwork at it's best.

  3. they [ocfd]can help salvage a charter boat but the dive team cant try to rescue 2 police officers in a plane crash?

  4. If Salisbury used their boat for something like this you would be bitching about how wasteful it is...

  5. @ 8:44- there is no rescue in a plane crash of that sort.. sorry, but those two men passed away immediately. they couldn't have been saved.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    @ 8:44- there is no rescue in a plane crash of that sort.. sorry, but those two men passed away immediately. they couldn't have been saved.

    September 6, 2013 at 6:50 AM

    Oh you must be an expert medical examiner then!


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