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Monday, September 23, 2013

No Thanks, Obamacare. I'll Pay The Penalty

Can't afford the premiums. Don't need health insurance. Won't support Obamacare.

These are some of the reasons why CNNMoney readers say they'll opt to pay a penalty for not having health insurance in 2014, rather than sign up for a policy in the state-based exchanges or through their companies.

"I would love to have insurance, but we just don't have the money," said Sandra Czop, 58, of Bloomingdale, Ill. "We need that $100 to put food on the table. We have no money to put gas in the car."

Czop, a mortgage loan officer whose business is down 60% and whose husband is unemployed, summed up the sentiments of many readers. Though subsidies are available to those earning less than 400% of the poverty level, the premiums are still too high for many Americans.



  1. oh but you all loved the idea of us paying for health care for everyone...

    NOW all of a sudden you do not...

    Can I just Say, I TOLD YOU ALL SO!!!
    I told you this all was coming... But since I'm stupid and since I wear a tinfoil hat, I don't know what I am speaking about...

  2. ok so we all need to bombard our senators and tell them to stop it. house has done that

  3. I will refuse to pay the penalty - I an American citizen will refused to have a dictator tell me what to have or not to have. Americans control the Government and its actions. If all Americans would strand up and refused to assist in funding this obamnation the law would fail. Americans need to remember the words "We the People"

  4. But! 99.9 Percent has a cell phone. But no food and no gas! Yeah Right.

  5. You haven't seen the real fall out from this yet! Please stand behind Andy Harris and those who support stiopping this thing before it destroys our economy..

  6. When they cannot pay their hospital bill, after refusing to get insurance, they should be forced to work it off.


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