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Thursday, September 05, 2013


Salisbury, MD … Val Laureska, R.N. from Wicomico County Health Department and Deborah Farlow, R.N. from Worcester County Health will be representing the Lower Shore Regional Fetal and Infant Mortality Review Team as guest speakers for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) monthly meeting. Also speaking is Micaela Tedford, MCO Priority Partners Community Health Advocate from Johns Hopkins Heathcare LLC.
The meeting is Thursday, September 26th at 7:00 P.M. and will be held at Chipman Cultural Center, 325 Broad Street, Salisbury, MD. The public is invited to attend this meeting.
Ms. Laureska and Ms. Farlow will give a brief overview of racial disparities in birth outcomes and share the Life Course Model. Ms. Tedford will give an overview of the free educational outreach programs that are available. This will be followed by an open discussion to generate ideas to improve birth outcomes and strengthen protective factors of African American families in our communities.
For additional information about this meeting, contact Mary Ashanti, President, at 410-543-4187.


  1. I am sure it is because of the white nurses

  2. lmao at 1:00, very funny but the real reason is the parents! and their lack of education!

  3. I'm all for building stronger families. There are strong family units still alive today and they came from older strong family units. How do you get there from nothing? I hope these people have the answers.

  4. NAACP started by Republicans to save blacks from democrats dressed in pointed hats. When will blacks learn history, leave this racist organization and choose liberty?


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