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Saturday, September 21, 2013

Minnesota DQ Manager's Good Deed Gets Attention

Joey Prusak was appalled when he saw a customer at the suburban Minneapolis Dairy Queen store where he works pick up someone else's $20 bill and slip it into her purse.

So when the woman got up to the counter to order, Prusak refused to serve her unless she returned the money. When the woman refused, the 19-year-old store manager went a step further: He gave the visually impaired customer who hadn't realized he'd dropped the money $20 out of his own pocket.

"I was just doing what I thought was right," Prusak said Thursday as he recalled the incident from earlier this month. "I did it without even really thinking about it. ... Ninety-nine out of 100 people would've done the same thing as me."



  1. What a good person...but he is wrong--99 out of 100 would not do the same--our society has raised a lot of selfish, unfeeling people...I would think maybe half would be as kind. Gold Bless that young man!

  2. Good for this young man, his parents taught him well.

  3. You know you are getting jaded when the first thing you think is that the 2 were working as a team to get an extra $20. and the kid fell for it.

  4. great young man. whether it was "fake" or not; God saw his heart. he will be rewarded for doing the right thing.

  5. You should not distrust everyone. I am an OC bus driver and was confronted by a recent passenger without enough to pay for her $1 fare to work. She asked me for help which I gave here. Not the first time in fact and others have had the honesty to give me the cash they were short during their next trip. Some are simply good hardworking people who intend well but have an occasional bad hair day.

  6. God blessed this man, and God will bless him back. Tenfold I hope! Thanks, Joey!


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