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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Lois Lerner, IRS Official In Tea Party Scandal, Forced Out For ‘Neglect Of Duties’

Lois G. Lerner, the woman at the center of the IRS tea party targeting scandal, retired from the agency Monday morning after an internal investigation found she was guilty of “neglect of duties” and was going to call for her ouster, according to congressional staff.

Her departure marks the first government official to pay a significant price in the scandal, though Republicans were quick to say her decision doesn’t put the matter to rest and pointed out that she still can be called before Congress to testify.



  1. Another loyal Obama functionary lies, obstructs justice and bails out.

  2. then why is she still getting a $50,000 year pension. only in government is this possible. she is a crook and we are paing for it

  3. Real justice would be her firing and no pension.

  4. Should have been fired! End of story.


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