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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Land Of The Free: American Police Make An Arrest Every 2 Seconds In 2012

The FBI has just released its Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) data for 2012, which complies arrest data for the whole of the USA. While the numbers have not changed much from the year before, the absolute numbers are stunning and I doubt most Americans are aware of how elevated and skewed they actually are.

The most stunning figure is that law enforcement made an estimated 12.2 million arrests in 2012. That’s an arrest almost every two seconds of every single day.That’s straight up horrifying. Of these arrests, only 521,196 were for violent crimes.



  1. I'm guessing 92% Obama supporters.

  2. Outstanding job America PD's. We know you're on the job!

  3. Jack booted thugs at their best .

  4. ...and Judges give them a tap on the wrist and let them off 2 a second...

  5. The "land of the free" has the largest prison population in the world - even higher than repressive China, with 3x the population. And in many areas of the country, private prisons are guaranteed occupancy, which creates an environment that breeds corruption and creates a necessity to imprison people even if it's not the best path to take.

    How does that sit with you?

  6. Keep it up, Joe. They'll be coming for you next. Tic toc, boy.

  7. In other words.. Every 2 seconds someone breaks a law and gets caught... Shameful.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    In other words.. Every 2 seconds someone breaks a law and gets caught... Shameful.

    September 19, 2013 at 7:55 PM

    Not necessarily.

  9. Numbers can be deceiving. An arrest can be as simple as a Criminal Citation for shoplifting or disorderly conduct. A simple traffic stop with three underage passengers that have been drinking alcoholic beverages will result in three civil citations for underage possession. Each citation counts as an arrest. Easy to rack up numbers quickly in these situations.

    Giovanni Jones


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