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Monday, September 23, 2013

Gun Control Regulations Approved

One week from tomorrow Maryland's new gun control law takes effect.
Among other things, the law bans 45 different types of weapons, limits magazine clips to 10 rounds, and requires gun buyers to submit fingerprints to the Maryland State Police.
Now the regulations that the State Police will use to enforce the law have received final approval by a state Senate-House committee.
By a vote of 9-6, the Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive and Legislative Review (ALER) approved the regulations. 


  1. Notice all the laws only affect law abiding citizens so when the criminals get illegal guns and shoot people,all these lawmakers should lose their jobs.

  2. One of the biggest infringements on our rights as US citizens. I will NEVER enforce these laws on law abiding citizens.

  3. 11:37

    from your comment, im assuming youre a cop. good to see some like minded fellow LEOS out there. i too believe that more good citizens should be carrying and owning guns.

  4. Props to the cop at 11:37....


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