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Thursday, September 19, 2013

GOP Rep: Clinton Had Larger Role In Benghazi Than Believed

The Obama administration says it held four employees responsible for mistakes in the run-up to last year's Benghazi attack -- even though they are still working for the State Department. Congressman Ted Yoho (R-Fla.) says then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had a larger role in Benghazi than it’s made to believe.
The House Foreign Affairs Committee held a hearing Wednesday morning seeking answers from the State Department over who made the policy decisions that created a death trap for four Americans September 11, 2012.

Rep. Yoho believes the committee was able to get the answers they demanded from Patrick Kennedy, the State Department's undersecretary for management, but there are still more details that need to be clarified.

“We welcomed the information we got. We got a long way to go, but anytime we get closer to what went wrong in this it’s a great way to proceed … the American people want answers,” said Yoho.



  1. At the Congressional hearing on Benghazi today the parents of two of the slain Americans were testifying--ALL BUT 2 OF THE DEMOCRATS THERE WALKED OUT. Thats right, the Democrats REFUSED to hear the mother of Sean Smith and the father of Tyrone Woods. How anyone could think "Obama cares" and proclaim to be a "Proud Democrat" is beyond comprehension. Not only have these parents suffered the ultimate loss they have been lied to and ignored by Obama and Democrats. Truly reprehensible.

  2. How Clinton and Kerry still have jobs is beyond me.

  3. WHy is it beyond you--the answer is simple-- ERIC HOLDER IS THE AG OF THE US--he heads the justice department and he will NEVER EVER prosecute any Democrat, any minority or any terrorist. Eric Holder is a big reason that Obama and his regime are able to destroy this country unscathed.


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