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Thursday, September 05, 2013

GOP CONGRESSMAN: Military Members Keep Telling Me To Vote No On Syria

After President Obama delivered a speech in the Rose Garden where he said the United States "should" strike Syria following a deadly chemical weapons attack, Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.) took to Twitter to dispute that claim with comments from those who would likely carry out that order.

"I've been hearing a lot from members of our Armed Forces," Amash tweeted. "The message I consistently hear: Please vote no on military action against Syria."

Now that Obama has deferred to congressional debate, a vote on striking Syria would likely come up on the week of Sep. 9. The President probably has the support of the Senate, but the vote could have some trouble in the House, as Josh Barro points out.

Since Amash's initial tweet, he's been retweeting comments that have been sent in from military members and veterans. Many of my own military sources have expressed reservations with action in Syria, especially following service in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.



  1. WHAT are we supposed to do with the thousands of warehouses full of bullets, mines, missiles, etc? That inventory has to move!! We MUST find someone who needs freedom, even if it's people who, 6 months ago, were burning our flag and calling for the death of all Americans. People who think freedom means being able to set your sister or wife on fire without going to jail, or murdering hungry kids in the name of some bloodthirtsty diety. I know I can't wait to help them, even if it means my kids have to lose an arm or leg. How about the rest of ya????

  2. just say NO to Syria...this is not new and we must stay out of this. our military needs to regroup before getting into something else in the middle east. these idiots have been doing these evil things for thousands of years.

    what Obama is "suggesting" isn't going to work anyway.


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