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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Gas Prices Surpass $3.00 per Gallon for 1,000 Consecutive Days in Longest Streak Ever

The national average price of gasoline will surpass $3.00 per gallon tomorrow for the 1,000thconsecutive day for the first time on record, according to AAA. The current streak began on Dec. 23, 2010. AAA forecasts the national average will remain above $3.00 per gallon for at least another thousand days barring a major economic recession.

“Paying less than $3.00 per gallon for gasoline may be automotive history for most Americans, like using 8-track tapes or going to a drive-in movie,” said Bob Darbelnet, President and CEO of AAA. “The reality is that expensive gas is here to stay, which is tough on millions of people who need a car to live their lives. While a few lucky drivers may occasionally pay less than $3.00 per gallon, the national average is likely to remain more costly into the future.”



  1. Before Oscama $1.65 after Oscams $3.65 thanks A//WIPE.

  2. The average price of a gallon of gas has increased 96 percent since President Barack Obama first took office in 2009, according to figures from the Energy Information Agency (EIA).

    According to EIA data, the average price of a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline in the United States was $1.838 on Jan. 19, 2009--the day before Obama took office.

  3. He did promise energy costs would skyrocket!

    I'm glad I can say I didn't vote for him - either time...and I did vote.

    Too bad enough of us didn't vote for the opponent...

  4. The numbers speak of how the American people have been screwed.

  5. And now they will shoot for $4.00 gal.

  6. 1:47 you are correct. It was $1.83 when Obama took office. During his campaign he kept saying that the high price of gasoline was George Bushes' fault. And still today he blames all his failures on Bush. Can anyone tell me what Obama has accomplished since he's been in office? Anything positive?

  7. 4:39
    I was going to answer your question on what Obummer has accomplished until I saw the qualifier of "Anything positive".

    All I can say is that he has kicked Carter's butt on being the worst president in the history of this country.

    The real problem thou, is that the stupid libtards that voted for Obummer won't learn anything, and will keep repeating their mistakes.

  8. When gas hit the $1.80 mark when Bush was in office, the libs & dems were screaming for investigations, hearings etc. when their socialist took office and it kept going up and up...not a peep! Why doesn't anybody ever call them out on that ?

  9. $4.21 is still the record national average for a gallon of gasoline. It happened when G.W. Bush was president. Wasn't his fault then. Not Obama's fault now. It's but a different world we live in now. Global influence, global market. It all comes down to one thing. GREED. I'll leave you morons to see if you can figure out who might be behind that. Here is a clue. It's not the IRS, NSA, or any other such scary animals. If you boycott all of the companies involved, make sure your by bicycle is in good condition. Best wishes. Sleep tight.

  10. Suck it up you dorks that voted for O whats his name.You ARE dumber than a horn.

  11. When Obama said Change, he forgot to say it was Change For Worse. Its time for payback - defund Obamacare now

  12. The real impact will be (and is now) on all the Americans whose wages have been stagnant for 10 years. Despite the protestations of rich corporate America and their partners in crime, minimum wage won't pay the bills. And now, the same robber barons are laying off workers and going to part-time help (because they are all down to their last 800 million). Keep it up. The pressure builds. Look up the French Revolution and see how it will turn out (history DOES repeat itself).


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