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Monday, September 23, 2013

FDA Requires Tracking Codes On Medical Implants

Federal health regulators will begin tracking millions of medical devices, from pacemakers to hip replacements, using a new electronic system designed to protect patients by catching problematic implants earlier.

The Food and Drug Administration published new rules Friday that require most medical devices sold in the U.S. to carry a unique code, identifying its make, manufacture date and lot number. The codes will be stored in a publicly accessible database to help regulators, doctors and companies monitor safety issues with devices.

The tracking system has been promoted by doctors and public safety advocates for years. Other industries, from food processors to automakers, have used unique identification codes to track their products through the supply chain for decades.



  1. I suspect they will next be putting electronic tracking chip on the devices, followed by implanting chips in the sheeple.. Orwell was right, he predicted the future quite accurately.

  2. I be darn! I'm almost 70, Had two heart attacks and several stints. Not going to cost much to follow me around. But thanks for caring.

  3. No, period. My doc will be instructed to remove that chip before the part goes in.


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