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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Every 23 Seconds A Fire Department Responds To A Fire In The U.S.

NFPA releases new fire loss report

September 20, 2013 – Every 23 seconds, a fire department responds to a fire somewhere in the U.S., according to a new report released by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). “Fire Loss in the United States in 2012” provides a comprehensive look at fire in the United States, including civilian fire deaths and injuries, property damage and intentionally set fires.

n 2012, there were:

· 1,375,500 fires responded to by public fire departments

· 2,855 civilian deaths

· 16,500 injuries as result of fire

The number of structure fires has steadily declined in recent years, from their peak in 1977 of 1,098,000 to 480,500 in 2012.

Last year, there was:

· a civilian fire injury every 32 minutes

· a civilian fire death every 3 hours and 4 minutes

· a home fire occurred every 85 seconds, which accounted for 76 percent of all structure fires.

· homes were also where the majority of civilian fire injuries and deaths occurred, accounting for 78 percent of fire injuries and 83 percent of fire deaths.

Other key findings from the report:

· property damage of roughly $12.4 billion occurred as result of fire

· $7 billion of property loss was from home fires

· $1.1 billion was lost in highway vehicle fires

· amount of property damage that occurred as result of fires increased by nearly 7 percent

· intentionally set fires in structures decreased across the board

o reduction in structure fires of 5.7 percent.

o reduction in civilian deaths in structures of 5.3 percent

o reduction in property damage in structures of 3.3 percent


  1. Not in Salisbury,Md. We have the greatest fire prevention. Just ask the local fast food joints. When was the last time you saw a fire in Giant?

  2. And with new sprinkler installation regulations, the numbers will continue to drop.

  3. sprinkler regulations is just smart policy. Adds more work for home construction, as well as more work for home renovations(examine what happens once sprinklers do start sprinkling), and keeps people safer.

    The flipside to that is, I remember growing up in a neighborhood down Nanticoke Rd(this was in the winter of 2002)...seeing a home catch fire 3 times in the course of 5 hours. Because fire dept. crews were not thorough in making sure the fire was out. Sad sight to see for a great neighbor of mine.

    1. Well, if you don't put it out the local "far" companies won't get anymore "far" calls for the year. Should haved in Salisbury where the only emergencies are ambulance calls.

  4. For some reason these stats seem far fetched. But in reality there are thousands upon thousands of fire departments across the country so there still aren't many fires across the country.

    I think most of these so called fires are fire engine responses and not actual fires. They also include little mulch fires and grass fires. No big deal. Still doesn't justify having over 60 paid firemen in Salisbury, Maryland.


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