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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Eastern Shore Struggles With Higher Unemployment, More Business Closings Than Rest Of Maryland

When state Sen. Jim Mathias came to the Eastern Shore 42 years ago, Labor Day marked the end of Ocean City’s season.

Shops would close up, people would leave, and it was deserted.

“It was over,” he said. “To go out and find a sandwich was challenging.”

Gradually, over the years, business leaders helped lengthen the season and the town thrived. But when the recession hit recently, construction crews went away, and even wealthier people who owned a second home on the shore stopped showing up after the summer ended.



  1. This trend will continue as long as voters keep voting for Democrats. But now, there ate too many people on welfare and food stamps that will vote again for Democrats. And as far as education is concerned, on a scale of 1 to 10, Democrats rate around 3.5.

  2. B/C of O'Gay O'Malley gun law coming into effect...The Gun Merchant in Federals-burg is going out of buisness

  3. You can thank Governor O'Dumbass and his Libtards.

  4. 1059-It also has a lot to do with the good ol' boy network.

  5. 10:59. I saw those statistics on education as well. However the intelligence ratings of Democrats in the 1 to 10 range equation is around 2.8. Try having a conversation with a young person coming out of high school these days. I think that 2.8 is giving them the benefit of doubt. My guess would be around 1.5.

  6. But I thought the shore was a conservative bastion.

  7. Not at all 11:52, at least not anymore in the recent years. The trend of job losses/business closures coincides with when the democrats took pretty much control of all the local governments.
    What happened was (Salisbury for instance)when all the want more sponges arrived, they multiplied (we all know how well they do that)and the conservatives are now outnumbered. Same thing that happened in all the big cities such as Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit generations ago. It just took longer to get here.

  8. We have high unemployment because of the ghetto and redneck culture that hates education and calls anyone who tries to escape an Uncle Tom or a queer.

  9. That is how obama and his administration along with the rest of the democrats get elected.

    They know from history in order to get votes, they must buy them from voters in the form of food stamps, welfare, free transportation to voting polls, early voter registration, and all the other give away programs that Social Services panders out to the public.

    The democrats don't care about anyone else except themselves. They only want to get elected, re-elected, or cabinet positions. They are in it for the perks, money, and all the insider information they have readily available to them.

    If they truly cared about the poor, the working poor, or the middle class, they would be doing much better at creating and sustaining jobs that actually paid decent wages for a family to survive.

    Ever tried to talk to (democrats)one? Ever tried to get a phone call through or returned by one? Ever received a non-form letter written response from one? Ever challanged one on any current topic of importance and got a straight answer? The answer is a resounding NO. They have no answers for their dismal failures only excuses and casting blame to anyone else but themselves.

    Until the Welfare System in this country is given a complete overhaul, the mass cases of fraud, and the sheer numbers of dollars literally being given away from the working public taxes will be the destruction of the country all with the president's help.

    Welfare Reform needs to start now and be administered by business/accounting professionals not human services social workers who are more intouch with feelings rather than facts, figures, quality control, and results. This would go a very long way in preventing fraud, and saving this country money.

  10. You are full of Sh*t 12:40, the entire Eastern Shore is a conservative, right wingnut, bastion of ignorant hillbillys. The problems are directly related to this condition.

  11. @12:40, what are you on because it must be good! Id rather be ignorant hillbilly then a sad lonely troll like you.

  12. Wicomico is experiencing quite an economic phenomenon. People are falling out of the workforce and it is leaving a void in the county's largest revenue generator - income tax revenues. People are literally vanishing from the employment scene and it is creating quite a political stir. Yet the county's budget is significantly increasing simultaneous to the exodus of our workforce.

    This is a recipe for disaster and that is why all of a sudden we have the full court press coverage.

  13. Responding to 3:41 - It is going on everywhere, but Wicomico is being especially hard hit.

    An income tax preparer informed me the other day the the number of Marylanders filing has declined because many are not meeting the income thresholds. This is not a good indicator of a healthy economy.

  14. The recipe for the eastern shores mess began long ago. Companies left the shore over the years and no new industries came along. Sure you had builders building plenty but for who? Most of the issues here on the shore are related to the fact that the population is low. Were there are a lot of people is were you will find better jobs. Now the eastern shore is down to farming and tourism as its biggest money makers. Tourism is flat or falling and there's no big money in farming. Ocean city is in a major mess needing a full makeover. No matter who is put into office the issues will stay the same. It's not the governments job to create employment. The area has been in a free fall for years and now it's hard to go back.

  15. Maybe Mike M. will help us get rid of the Clown prince Mathias in the State Senate.

  16. A lot of the businesses that left fed in some way off of agriculture. When that started happening everything else like housing values fell and then the riff raff moved in due to inexpensive housing and they all vote democrat. It's not rocket science. This riff raff tends to only vote in local elections because in these smaller towns the local elections are more organized. So yes, while the outskirts of local towns tends to run conservative the municipalities tend to run liberal. Both Salisbury and Berlin are experiencing this.

  17. That's why I drive to Baltimore every day for work... Love the Shore but more money, more opportunity across the bridge

  18. Just for the record the riff raff one of you spoke of generally don't vote. Politics does play a small part of it but the vast majority of the problem comes from the lack of industry on the shore and the lack of large companies willing to take a chance here.... I know I wouldn't. The lack of people here on the shore also plays a major role. It took decades for this issue really show itself. It may not be so easy to fix.


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