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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Disney Tightens Up Resort Disability Program

Disneyland and Walt Disney World Resort will no longer allow visitors with disabilities instant access to rides, starting next month, in an attempt to reduce abuse of the policy.

Under the current policy, Disney visitors can get a guest assistance card that grants quicker access to rides, often entering through exit doors to bypass the main lines.

There were widespread reports of able-bodied people abusing the policy.

Some wealthy park visitors were hiring disabled people to pretend to be family members so they could skip lines, the New York Post reported in May. Social researcher Wednesday Martin learned about the practice while researching a book about New York's Park Avenue elite, the Post reported. "It really is happening," Martin told CNN's "Starting Point" in May.



  1. Good. I was there this year and this Fat obese woman rolled up to the front of the line and 7 of her walking family went right in with her....BS.

  2. Disney always did suck for that .just another entitlement crowd getting away with stuff .

  3. Yeah, it's always GOOD to be disabled and be entitled to get away with stuff.

    I hope it happens to you two so you also can benefit greatly from being disabled.

    Trust me, it is so GREAT to be disabled.

    Oh, but I think you are, we just can't see it.

    But your two disabilities are not physical...

  4. This "disabled stuff" has gotten out of hand. Too many people (an awful lot of children) are considered disabled to get free stuff from the government. Are the doctor's to blame for so much of this? There are truly a lot of really disabled people who can not walk very far or may be in a wheelchair because of their disabilities.

  5. Not surprising when you look at all the people drawing Medicare "disability" payments. "Honor and Integrity" no longer exist in most of the population. Civilization is reverting to basic wants and whims.

  6. 8:33 AM

    And you did extensive studies, polls, interviews, medical records checks, and a ton of other research to come to that conclusion didn't you?

  7. Disabled people should be bared from amusement parks.

  8. I personally don't mind waiting in lines and seeing someone that is disabled going ahead of me. I think this is what is right!
    This is very sad that they had to take this program away because able-bodied people were taking advantage of it. I personally know someone who is going there in the next few months with her disabled son and this change is going to have a huge affect on them. Shame, Shame to those who cheated the program!

  9. While on the subject of the disabled, i would like to know how somebody with a jacked up 4x4 pickup truck, carrying an 80lb bag of cement can be considered disabled!!!


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