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Friday, September 20, 2013

Details Emerge On How Navy Yard Shooter Was Stopped

More details have been released about exactly how law enforcement officers tracked down and killed the Navy Yard shooter.

At the scene of the shooting, a U.S. Park Police patrol officer and a D.C. Police officer got together to form what's called an "active shooter team." Each officer was armed with a rifle, says Park Police Union chairman Ian Glick.

"They went in, addressed the threat, and neutralized him," he says.

He says inside Building 197, the two had to navigate a maze of office cubicles.



  1. Completely ludicrous. This happened after there was already a four man team set up ready to go in the first minute of the attacks this is crazy

  2. "addressed the threat, and neutralized him"... why can't these clowns speak like normal people? if you killed him, just say you killed him!

  3. You're complaining it takes a year to train one officer to protect a hundred people already trained to protect themselves with their own firearms. And you still can't see the forest for the trees.

    You stand there and say that out loud in front of other people, and no light bulb goes off in your brain!


  4. And I will add, the other people you said this to had no response as well!


  5. Can I have my Second Amendment back, please?

  6. Thank you 12:41! There was a stand down again! Benghazi and now DC

  7. No,no,no. USPP had the perp down within 10 minutes of the call there was an active shooter.
    (USPP mom)


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