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Monday, September 23, 2013

D.C. Says It’s Ready For Obamacare’s Oct. 1 Launch; Md. Will Have Delays

New health insurance marketplaces for small businesses are scheduled to open across the country next week, and while most states are ready to begin enrollment, others have fallen behind, delaying some of the savings employers were promised under Obamacare.

District officials, for example, say all systems are go for launch for the city’s new health insurance exchange on October 1, the deadline established by the Affordable Care Act for states and the federal government to open enrollment for new, online insurance marketplaces.

While the Obama administration has pushed back for a year a mandate requiring many employers to start covering their workforces, officials have moved forward on the new insurance exchanges, which they hope will promote competition among insurers and drive down the cost of individual and employer-sponsored coverage. 



  1. hopefully I will be able to afford my Blue Cross Blue Shield rather than depend on the government. So much for Obama Care. Wish he would have never got reelected. No wonder he wanted to run another four years - to destroy our great country even more!

  2. Everything I have seen has been an INCREASE in premiums...sometimes over 100%...you all got what you voted for, now you can suffer along with the rest of us...oh yeah, unless you are Congress! Or big business...This has to be stopped NOW

  3. Just think about the economic infusion of 2016,when Ocare is abolished and trillions of dollars are suddenly available for worthwhile endeavors.No where have I heard that mentioned,but by current calculations,Ocare will act as a CD (of sorts)with a maturity date of 11-2016.Don't scratch your head too hard on that one.It's trig related.


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