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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Could The GOP Actually Be About To Beat Obama?

I have to admit that the Congressional GOP’s Obamacare defunding strategy has me a little nervous – mostly because it just might work. When the GOP does something clever, I start looking for the other three horsemen of the apocalypse.

Designing a strategy starts with understanding the ends you seek. Sure, the memo has gone out about the GOP’s “civil war” and how the GOP is “crazy,” but it seems that the party has a realistic end state in mind. It’s not to stop Obamacare today, or even next year, but in 2017 when we can actually drive a stake through the heart of this neo-socialist abomination.



  1. Will be a far better thing they do than they have ever done. Shut it down!!!! Don't give in!!!

  2. Some senators really want to defund,but others only want to say they voted to defund to their constituents. I really hope this will work, but I'm not getting my hopes up. Unfotunately the republicans are weak & disorganized.Watch the congressinal procedures closely.


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