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Sunday, September 08, 2013

Congressman Andy Harris Releases Statement On Action Being Considered In Syria

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Andy Harris, M.D. released the following statement on the authorization to use military force being considered by Congress against Syria:

“I appreciate President Obama fulfilling his constitutional obligation by seeking Congressional authorization before using military force in Syria. There are serious questions about whether taking military action against Syria is in our national security interest and how the United States should respond to nations around the world who use chemical weapons against their own citizens. The Administration needs to make the case to Congress and the American people why military intervention is needed and clearly state the scope of the planned intervention. The decision to engage militarily is one of the most serious a member of Congress can make, and, although at this point I would not vote for military intervention, I plan to examine all of the evidence before making a decision.“


  1. NO, Andy the answer is NO... you do not and should not support none of this...

    Iran said they would retaliate... Thats all we need is WWIII...

    If you cast a vote to send our troops overseas yet again, you sire are no better than obama...

    We need to leave these people alone, and if they so choose, then let them kill each other...

    Our economy can't take another war... We can not be taxed anymore to pay for your lazy fat ass voters...

    This is just a plore to get us into a war with IRAN so the globalist can move quicker to their one world government... I e The UN...

    the prove is where everyone is talking global, lets do things global... a global society, a global criminal court... A global gun control, global, global, global...

    Well wtf does global mean? anyone? It means Global, all of the earth, all of the world that is earth which equals what? anyone? thats right one world government or if you like to call it, a global government...

    Mark my words and call me a tin hat wearing fool, I don't care, I have proved myself right each time I speak on a certain case... I guarantee, they will use this war to push peace and to have peace we have a one world government... That is why obama is backing the terrorists, so they can keep fighting and so they have the same tech as anyone else... NOW what does that say or mean? well it means if everyone has the same tech as everyone else, then no one is better or worse than the other and no need to fight... aka peace will be introduced as a measure to get this government...

  2. 4:41
    I agree. Iran said they would strike Israel. I think that is what Obama wants. Israel gets bombed and Obama can't be blamed for it.

  3. Andy, Ron Paul and I say that nobody knows who was the cause of the bomb explosion, except for the rebel force who admitted that it went off accidentally because of people handling the weapon did not know what it was, and mishandled it.

    But, you don't have to believe them. No, not the burnt up guys on the video.

    And don't believe the locals who were interviewed who said it was not the government.

    Instead, you can believe John Kerry who somehow, without any evidence whatsoever, or top secret evidence that he cannot reveal, says that somehow he's SURE it was the Syrian Government. McCain, Obama and Biden know, too. Oh, and Nancy Pelosi consulted her 5 yo grandson, so she knows now as well!

    No, Andy. 85% of us are seeing the light and saying NO. STOP.

    Make them show you proof beyond doubt in writing by the Syrian Administration, then you show us that proof before voting so we know.

  4. Andy big mistake. Tell them NO WAY.

  5. No, Andy, no! Any excuse for not going along will suffice for most sensible people. There are so many reasons to not get involved; just pick one and vote no.

  6. It would be the first steps to we3

  7. 'How many times did the US initiate conflicts in various parts of the world? Has this ever helped to resolve even one problem?'

  8. No Andy, No..No..No!
    Let them fight it out. We have no moral "obligation" to protect anyone except our own citizens of the United States.
    This is a trap. Do not fall for it.

  9. "Iran said they would retaliate.."
    I didn't realize we take our marching orders from Iran

  10. There is no doubt the rebels used sarin gas. Russia produced the proof.

    So how can it make sense to punish Syria when they are under chemical attack? The rebels also are committing all kinds of war crimes executing prisoners and civilians daily. The rebels are worse than Asad.

    You Andy are a ignorant of the facts to even consider voting to go to war. Andy get a clue. Obama lies daily you can not believe anything he or his lackeys say.

  11. Read Article 5 of the Constitution..We can stop Obama n the left Agenda.September 8, 2013 at 5:33 PM

    Call 202-224-3121 and tell your representative "NO-NO-NO" on Syria...DO NOT FUND OBAMA-CARE...NO on immigration reform...NO on Gun Control...


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