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Friday, September 06, 2013

Colorado Democrat: Legislature, Not Guns, Will Keep You Safe

DENVER — Another Colorado Democrat has stoked the state’s raging gun-control debate by challenging the argument that guns are needed for self-defense.

Colorado House Majority Leader Dickey Lee Hullinghorst said in an interview on YouTube last week that firearms ownership is redundant because the state Legislature keeps citizens safe from harm.

“As a woman, I have the right not to carry a gun and to feel safe on the streets, and that’s what we provide for in the state Legislature is for all of us in the state of Colorado — to feel safe on the streets without having to carry a gun,” said Mrs. Hullinghorst on “The Tim Caffrey Show.” 



  1. She is just plain stupid. So see if she will walk through the black section of town on a hot night by herself. she if full of shi!

  2. And, as a woman, criminals have the means to approach you at any moment in any situation, whether it be at home, on the way to work, while jogging, or just fishing, to shoot you dead because you don't have ten bucks to satisfy their robbery.

    After you have been shot, you can (maybe) dial 911 to get help, if you are alive.

    But if you're not? Well, I win! Because you can no longer vote!

    Thanks for your stupid opinion to point out the real necessity of our basic rights!

  3. Well if that's the case, guns or no guns, why are citizens without guns still being victimized? What a load of B.S.!!!!!

  4. Yes tell this to the person that is attacking you. Tell that to the 250lb thug that is attacking the 125 girl or an elderly person just hold up a piece of paper and tell him this legislature should protect me. Owning a gun and knowing how to use it keeps the playing field at least somewhat equal.

  5. We've all seen what kind of intelligence these CO legislators have. Need I remind anyone of Dianna DeGette and how this moron co-sponsored legislation to ban ammunition clips w/o any knowledge, what-so-ever, of what they were.

  6. A clear example of the liberal delusion about gun control. I dont know if they really believe it or are just masters at shoveling b.s. either way its crap.

  7. truly...the blind leading the blind. Or in this case the blind forcing their beliefs down the throats of the uneducated.

  8. then you should do away with all your precious security


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