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Friday, September 20, 2013

Bills Would Require Michiganders To Work For Welfare, Pass Drug Test

LANSING (WWJ) - Could this mean the end of welfare as we know it?

A bill has passed in the Michigan Senate that would require those receiving public assistance to do some “volunteer” work. Another bill, which passed the House Commerce Committee, requires drug testing, revoking benefits for welfare recipients who refuse the test or who test positive.



  1. These are good things!

  2. PLEASE bring it to Maryland.

  3. 12:26 I agree... but I would like to amend that to include Delaware, Virginia, Pa., etc, etc, etc.

  4. All the states need to jump on this wagon they would sure save us taxpayers alot of bucks!

  5. It will never come to Maryland as long as Martin the Maniac and his crew of thieves are still here. You forgot that an action like this takes common sense, courage and fortitude to do the right thing and these traits are sorely lacking in Martin the Maniac's administration. Have we had enough yet????

  6. WHAT? Work for welfare. How mean can you get. You will destroy a whole life style.

  7. Mass Exodus in Detroit.
    They will move to more welfare friendly places like Baltimore & Philly

  8. Dont' bother the elderly!---Let the Gov. Allow only one child out of wedlock to be on Welfare------Our bucks stop here!
    It's that simple !
    The Gov. will have billions to spend & we can stop being taxed to death---Right?

    I know---they'll find something else for us to have to support but
    I like to think it would happen anyway---We're going to be overrun here in this Country if they don't stop this mass producing of children & the fathers living off the women having them!!!


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