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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Bikers To DC 9-11-13

A few aerial pictures of the bikers that are in DC today. At last estimate they are saying there are about 1 million riders.
They are updating their Facebook page frequently.


  1. I would love to be there!

  2. Look, I'm glead they are showing support for the 9/11 victims and for the US Military but there is no reason to inflate the numbers. Do you have any idea what 1mm bike would look like? Tell it like it is for a change.

  3. Hey DC...can ya hear us now???

  4. DC could have granted them a no-stop permit and they would have been done by now.

    That permit was denied while the Terrorist Brotherhood of the man-child living in the President's house are allowed their assembly on this anniversary of the worst terrorist act on American soil!

  5. They make me proud! Good tribute.

  6. 2:19
    That estimate was from the DC police. Talk to them if you have a problem with the way that they calculate the numbers.

  7. So they are better than Glen Beck?

    A whole million.... more than his stupid rally...


  8. 2:19 I am pretty sure you couldn't get 1 million bikers into one picture but keep on H8N Troll!

  9. 2:19-are you aware this 911 ride has been a tradition for several years now? I also have a home literally 5 minutes from the Pentagon and my neighbors there have been telling me about how the whole area is swarming with bikers on 911 for years now. It's gets progressively larger and larger ever year. This year when over 800,000 of them signed on and they applied for the permit and were denied, that energized more and more bikers to sign on, the event exploded and now it's like nothing anyone has ever seen. Some estimates are well over 1 million.

  10. Some of those people need to remove their hats and doo rags ffs.

  11. Now thats a million person march!

  12. What happened to the Million MORON Muslim march?

  13. Bless them for standing for AMERICA!

  14. Next year, bring rifles and 30 round mags. Get some REAL change done.

  15. Imclain you definitely have the red sticker on your mailbox, lol

  16. I wonder if anyone of the bikers in DC will be heading this way for bike week. I could hear a few yesterday coming down 50 but it really picked up during the evening and night.

  17. Thank you patriots.

  18. 7:45
    You need to go back to sleep you sound grouchy. We went to Beriln on Friday and had no problem with them then. I had to go into Salisbury yesterday and both 50 and Old OC road were full of bikers. I had no problem at all with them. There are many people that have tattoos and facial hair that are not bikers. Worry about them and leave the bikers alone. They had a great weekend for this event and Im sure the Maryland will be happy with all the taxes that were collected from them. It might even keep them from raising your taxes which would make you even more grumpy!

  19. 339- This was the FIRST year for THIS 911 ride. Maybe you are thinking of rolling thunder, which is a different event.


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