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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Are You Happy With The Election Results?

While Jim Ireton was allegedly re-elected, plenty of time has passed to look at what he's accomplished, or the lack thereof.

Unemployment is at record highs, PRMC is releasing employees so fast, no one knows if they're going to have a job or not. Foreclosures are the highest in the state. 

Crime is up, gangs are still a very serious problem in Salisbury. Two Salisbury Students are dead.

I know, it's time for a Press Conference about rubble at the old mall and a business sign the City/Mayor allowed to operate in that location, yet they are not allowed to have a sign. GO FIGURE. Let's open up another bike trail somewhere.

I could go on and on but I think I'll leave the rest for comments. Please, do me a favor. Do tell me all the good things Jim Ireton has done to bring Salisbury back to life again. 


  1. The Republicans wouldn't have this IDIOT! He is what is known as a DUMMYCRAT! He is a complete A$$!

  2. I guess based on the flood of comments here JIMdandy has done squat for salisbury as well as his future political career...good luck jim..maybe you can get a job cleaning mens toilets when your joke of a term is up..

  3. He's not interested in our life or style. His only interest is enhancing the gay community.

  4. Did he attend the special meeting about the firehouse yesterday morning?

  5. Joe, have you pursued, or do you plan to pursue, any action with the State Board of Elections about the irregularities in the election?

  6. To be fair Ireton had/has nothing to do with PRMC employees losing jobs. This is a nation-wide problem with hospitals, if you check other areas of lay offs across the country, including Johns Hopkins,

    What do you think Ireton could have done to prevent those students death

    I agree Ireton has not accomplished a thing to better the economy in Salisbury but the same can be said about Poliett, Omalley and Obama.

    With the election the people spoke and I don't agree with their choices, but it is what it is.

  7. I wish everyone who is losing their job at PRMC would go up to both Ireton and Mitchell, shake their hands and tell they thank you.
    Those 2 make me ill. All I can think of are those 2 freaks grinning like lunatics at the Democratic National Convention.
    They supported Obama so they own obamacare and these layoffs. They are to blame.

  8. Absolutely worthless. I guess the only topic he is qualified and experienced enough to discuss his unchristian lifestyle. A perfect example of a pure dumbocrat who exemplifies the contempt held by his party for the first amendment in conjunction with living a known lifestyle that is indecent and morally corrupt. Definitely does not believe in Adam and Eve but instead lives the morbid unchristian lifestyle of Adam and Steve!

  9. This pansy homo just brings shame to Salisbury even more. He isjust a worthless piece of crap

  10. Maybe he's a good teacher.

  11. Anonymous said...
    To be fair Ireton had/has nothing to do with PRMC employees losing jobs. This is a nation-wide problem with hospitals, if you check other areas of lay offs across the country, including Johns Hopkins,

    What do you think Ireton could have done to prevent those students death

    I agree Ireton has not accomplished a thing to better the economy in Salisbury but the same can be said about Poliett, Omalley and Obama.

    With the election the people spoke and I don't agree with their choices, but it is what it is.

    September 18, 2013 at 2:26 PM

    This all happened under Ireton's watch so to borrow your phrase "it is what it is."

  12. He gave Rick Hoppes a job as the fire chief. The best move he ever made for the city.

  13. Salisbury is in shambles. Literally. EVERY time I'm on a city street my car feels like it's going to rattle apart from all the abysmal patches, potholes, bumps, cracks etc. The heavily traveled Fitzwater St and surrounding areas force me to drive through longer traffic rather than take that route. Taxes as high as they are, why in the hell do we have a retro bus cruising around when the roads are a nightmare?! Ireton...if you can't fix basic infrastructure in favor of aesthetic nonsense, please move to Detroit. What happened to Salisbury??

  14. "Anonymous said...
    To be fair Ireton had/has nothing to do with PRMC employees losing jobs. This is a nation-wide problem with hospitals, if you check other areas of lay offs across the country, including Johns Hopkins,"

    I disagree. The sweep of layoffs affecting hospitals nationwide is due to Obamacare. It's a chain reaction and Ireton is guilty by association as well as every other local democrat politician.
    When you support someone like Obama/omalley etc and something like this happens due to their policies then you are just as at fault.
    It wasn't like this was being predicted. The local democrat politicians chose to ignore the warning because they think they are Know It Alls.
    They do own these layoffs. They are to blame more than Obama for not looking out for their own community.

  15. Anonymous said...

    He gave Rick Hoppes a job as the fire chief. The best move he ever made for the city.

    September 18, 2013 at 7:03 PM


    That fat lazy slob Hoppes? Give me a break.

  16. Not to worry!

    Fake Day and his comrades -- Shanie and Laura -- will save Smallsbury real soon now.

  17. You asked for it... TOYOTA!
    (At least I didn't vote for this boob!)

  18. Salisbury is without question in the best political shape I have seen it in in my 71 years here. If anyone in office today runs again, they'll have my vote.

  19. At least we have a 3rd Friday to bring people downtown for 1day each month.

  20. anonymous 3:22, yes we do. However, let it be known that Jim Ireton had nothing to do with 3rd Friday. Even though he'd like you to think he did, those in charge of 3rd Friday despise Jim for trying to take the credit for this event. These people worked very hard to build it into something from nothing. That's a fact. Salisbury News has done more for 3rd Friday then Jim Ireton ever did. Jim just walks around and then stands in one place waiting for someone to pay him attention.

  21. I'm glad I'm moving.

  22. Why hasn't anyone mentioned Cracker Barrel,or have they and I missed it? Have'nt they decided SBY is not business friendly because of the sign height issue? Have'nt they decided against building in front of Gander Mountain,or in SBY period?


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