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Sunday, September 15, 2013

American Citizens Are Fighting Back Against Speed Cameras

Once again we have evidence of yet another speed camera tagging, this time in Fruitland, Maryland on St. Luke's Road. 

Several years ago Salisbury News lead the way in exposing all of the tagging that was going on around the City of Salisbury. Back then the local media refused to give any kind of real coverage. 

Interesting how when the tables are turned and rather than the TAXPAYERS properties, (most of which cannot vote) this time it's happening to government property, (so to speak). The Police are reaching out to the public to help solve these crimes, yet the dozens of other taggings that have been going on for years have never been solved. 

Could this be the beginning of an Eastern Shore mini revolution? After all, even some public officials have stated, Take Your Eastern Shore Back.


  1. Who ever done this one better be careful! Fruitland has a lot of Police Officers who will hunt you down! The King will not put up with this! I hope they get every one of these cameras on the shore! Take back your community! Landlord Permits are next MARK MY WORDS! Oh yea I am the Idiot that starts drinking early! LOL

  2. Fruitland PD was on scene as I was leaving to go to work this morning. There were 3 cars parked and the officers were all out there with their flashlights looking around as if the perp had left something behind. Too bad the artist tagged the back of the unit. Would have been better if they covered the whole thing like the one in Salisbury.

  3. I'm thinking whomever this hero is needs to quit while they are ahead. I'd be concerned at this point esp after this latest LE will set up license plate readers by the cameras.
    If they do end up getting caught just say the word and I'm more than ready (as well as many others I've talked to) willing and able to help with bail money or lawyer fees.
    This form of catching people for a problem that never existed (children's safety) is so Orwellian and the way it goes directly against the Confrontation Clause of the 6th Amendment is downright eerie.

  4. And the next step in government tax/oppression will be cameras at stop signs.....

  5. I hope they catch the perps and throw the book at them. Vandalism should not be glorified.

  6. to 9:17 poster:

    Exactly, It is proven, that these camera causes more accidents than anything else... people see them hit their brakes and wham, accident...

    Not to mention, that most of the fruitland cameras only catch cops speeding, not regular old joes like us...

    BUT HEY its ok for cops to speed, in a school zone taking their kids to work right? and it is ok for them not to pay the fine either right?

    This also shows how incompetent the cops are because they need cameras to do their work for them...

  7. Only 3? They must 15 or 20 car loads of Uniformed Gestapo! Have Radar will Travel! I have heard they have a weight room in the new Kingdom Hall! 9:17 Well said! But you are forgetting one thing, the Constitution means nothing to those Socialists Tax Collecting Democrats!

  8. This person is a hero next time throw some acid on the front of the camera. These cameras were never intended for the kids. All these cameras do is by the police new toys.

  9. Couldn't say we didn't see this coming.

    Keep up the good work!

  10. @9:45 AM, we will once the government starts doing the same.

  11. 9:45 Obey the Law? Really you think they care about the Law! They need money for fancy buildings and cars and uniforms! They need lunch money for there 11 o'clock meetings!

  12. The idiots that we elect think they know more than the people that elected them. If the people don't want these cameras, they should be removed.

    I'd suggest that the folks doing this spread out to other towns, it will make it even more news worthy and more likely that they will be removed.

    Keep up the good work.

  13. Ok after I got my 40.00 fine, I have owed down so much a person blew their horn at me. I was doing speed limit. Can't win!

  14. This makes me Happy. 1776

  15. What is the problem with these cameras? Slow down! They are usually positioned near schools and all they are intended for is to make sure that drivers do the speed limit - I don't get it. Do the speed limit! I really don't think big brother is spying on you.

    1. I guess you would support setting up cameras in your house to make sure there is no illegal activity I mean if you're not breaking the law what's the big deal .

  16. These are not safety issue people, bottom line way of collecting extra money for various government
    money laundering programs.

  17. I love watching you eastern shore idiots. Most of you would never survive off the shore. lol Scared little people living in a fantasy world where you think all government is out to get you. They are always wrong and you are always right. Joe put his money where his mouth is and ran. An impossible win for him but at least he did it. Lets see a real local run for office. Took someone from another state to move here to try and make things better.

    1. okay so what have you ever done Mr keyboard commando?

    2. 11:00, you are right. Who in their right mind would subject themselves to the harassment they face with an audience like this? The shore is full of a bunch of nuts. I am always amused at what lengths people will go to.

  18. @11:00, nothing you said even comes close to an intelligent statement. If all you can do is hurl insults to try and make a point then I feel sorry for you, so really, who is the bigger idiot?

    As for the Cameras, we have seen time and time again how the government wants this country to become a surveillance state, its time to fight back and say NO.

    Shore Native and Proud of it.

  19. If this were really an effort to protect children the speed limit would be lowered to 10mph. I bet not on of the politicians who agreed to these things are aware that a child hit at 30mph has a 45% chance of dying. Only at 10mph is this chance reduced significantly. To a prudent person this makes the politicians and anyone who does support this appear as naïve and silly.

  20. The painter/painters will brag. Then down they go.

  21. Its easy to blame people who dissent and label them ignorant! Its always" Run for Office" no elect people and hold them accountable and that goes for the King of Fruitland also! Mr. I lowered your water bill!!!! Keeping his Nina Lane campaign promise! When is the next lunch meeting?

  22. As a steam roller operator, I may have an OOPS moment.

  23. no, no camera will be removed... What will happen is, they will just place them in spots you wouldn't think to look not to mention, they will just get smaller ones they can hide better...

    trust me on this... there will be no cameras taken down... just replaced, moved or smaller and better hidden...

    What we need is a way to get the cameras to stop working altogether... that everyone can do or help with or whatever...

  24. They should use a different color before they get caught red handed.

  25. 9:28 ---I'll bet YOU would have turned the colonists throwing tea into the harbor (vandalism ,too, right?) over to the British. Americans DO NOT LIKE remote surveillance and all the OTHER Nazi goings on against the citizens. ESPECIALLY when "its for the children, for God's sake!!" is ALWAYS used to implement the latest Nazi efforts to collect more and more money. This is a FREE country --- not East Germany, the Soviet Union, North Korea, or China, although people like you are doing your best to show the Nazi's that you are a "good citizen". And 1:47 has it right. They WILL NOT stop. All "we, the people" can do is RESIST. I wish they would tape a canister of tannerite on those camera's and blow them apart. Which may happen soon enough...

  26. Just attend the Fruitland Council Meetings and every thing will be fine. And just in case you have not checked out the Web Site you will have to miss work! LOL You can attend the regular meetings on Tuesday Night but they have already decided the vote prior to the meeting at their lunch meeting! I say we put one of those Cameras in Nina Lane so we can really collect some revenue! But I will bet you a million dollars that will not happen. Oh well its time for a Drink! I am on Vacation from 3:45 till 4:45. No meeting so I will just drink!

    1. I think it is hilarious how obsessed you are. Do you realize how many comments and how much of your day you are wasting? Not have much of a life....wonder what I can do to push you over the edge. You are almost there...almost.

  27. Guess what! Speed cameras were being vandalized across our Great Nation long before the first one appeared on the Eastern Shore. Don't think for a minute that the Eastern Shore will start a mini revolution because some folks are upset (and blaming everyone and things but themselves) that they were dumb enough to be caught breaking the law.
    Takes a lots of brains to not heed posted signs warning of speed cameras and continuing not to slow down to the posted speed limit.

    You think YOUR rights are violated. If people obeyed speeding laws there would be no need for cameras.

  28. The Gestapo will not tolerate these type of actions and will be dealt with severely!

  29. 2:55 - what is with your obsession with Nina Lane?

  30. 2:56 Takes a lot of brains to be BRAIN WASHED like you! If we use your argument let's put them in everyone's house to prevent anyone from doing anything the Government says we can't do! Take the Guns, Install Cameras and use all the Tax Payers Money to fund the Fancy Cops and Cars and Offices! If my Aunt had Balls she would be my Uncle! The King must be working overtime to convince people how good Fruitland People have it! Oh yea everyone needs to be careful because along with Fancy Uniforms they also have High Dollar Tazers! Don't Taze me Bro!!! I need a drink!

    1. Just an observation, but I think you may need to be tazed and not sure you need to drink. You seem a little obsessed. Don't know anything about Fruitland but you sure seem scorned about something. Are you a former employee or something? What is the deal?

  31. No one will "Turn in" anyone even if they know who did it because we all hate them.

  32. This is vandalism pure and simple. There is nothing cute, funny or clever about this. All of you posting support for this kind of nonsense need your heads examined.

  33. 2:56....REALLY? Who would then take pictures of all the POLICE who fly through those areas in golf shirts (and no ticket/fine EVER issued)....physics is not concerned with whether or not a speeding car is driven by a kid or a cop. Neither are dead kids. Speeding is either against the law(that EVERYONE must follow) and dangerous (that's what THEY say) or its not a big deal, but IS a big money maker. And, 2:56, no one wants a "mini-revolution". What we need is a full-scale revolution. Which is coming, even if you don't see it because you can't take your head out your self-righteous ace....

  34. To all those who agree with these cameras what about the clause in the Constitution that states when accused of a crime-- "the right is to have a face-to-face confrontation with witnesses who are offering testimonial evidence against the accused in the form of cross-examination."

  35. 6:14 - you have a choice of paying the fine or you have an opportunity to contest the ticket in a court of law. Are you implying that due process is somehow denied?

  36. Going to court would require the camera to be on the witness stand and respond to questions. I wonder what the answers would be? A rep may be able to sit in, answering questions about start-up that day and calibrations, but that may be out of whack by 5 pm. Costing the court time and money may be the best solution here to rid ourselves of a bigger problem than speed not killing children.

  37. Yes 6:37. One reason is because the cameras can't identify who was driving the vehicle. The vehicle itself it being ticketed not a specific person.

  38. Due process is absolutely denied 6:37 because camera tickets are based on an imperfect assumption. That assumption being the ticketed vehicle is being driven by the person/entity it is registered to. If someone claims (either rightly or deceptively) that they were not driving the vehicle, it is up to them to prove otherwise which then turns the burden of proof on it's head.
    Cases have occurred where someone doesn't know who was driving since tickets are mailed sometimes weeks later whereas with a traffic stop the violation is known immediately.
    Quite a few courts are starting to see it this way. The big obstacle is going to be the camera vendor lobby which is huge.

  39. 7:14 The solution you suggested is occurring in some areas. The courts became so tied up they had to appoint hearing officers to conduct the hearings and render decisions. Person ticketed, if found guilty still has the option of taking it to an actual court.

  40. Elected officials should do everything in their power to please the people that elected them. If they do just the opposite, they should be replaced at every opportunity. The vast majority don't want these cameras therefore they should not exist.

  41. How does this help safety? You can be as drunk as you want weaving across both lanes but if you aren't speeding you don't even get a ticket. Most drunks drive very slow in order not to get pulled over. The cams are a joke and everyone knows it. They are strictly a money maker for the corrupt politicians.

  42. 7:20, you are absolutely correct. The driver of the vehicle is not known. Legislators knew this was a sham and was controversial when they passed the law allowing them as there is no point penalty and the fine is fixed. A vehicle could pass through at a hundred mph and the fine is still 40.00. Nothing but a revenue source and they knew it. Has nothing to do with protecting children. For those of you who spout "just obey the law", just because somebody says you broke the law doesn't mean you actually did.

  43. We will be free once again soon arm up and lets take back the america we used to know

  44. It's no different than your car being stolen by a bunch of drunk kids one night who then go on to hit another car and end up killing someone. Should the registered owner of the car be charged then? And should they have the burden of proving it wasn't them driving?
    Of course this doesn't happen and the only reason it doesn't is because then people would be outraged. The only reason they don't get outraged over speed cameras is they've fallen for the nonsense that it's for the children and don't break the law BS.
    Unless you agree each time that when a crime occurs, the owner of the instrument used should be charged without an investigation and witnesses into who actually engaged the instrument then you are being hypocritical.
    That the problem with this country. The citizens are weak and bend and drop their principles at the drop of a hat.

  45. The Old Line State is certainly drawing a "red line" over their rights being further infringed. It's about time MD is known less for its tax-you-to-death liberal policies and recognized for citizens who want their freedom back! Good for you, Fruitland freedom fighter!

  46. Joe I just got back from fruitland and they remove the speed camera.

  47. a quick update they remove the speed camera in Fruitland by the church .

  48. I read in the Sun this morning some in Howard country were vandalized by arson.

  49. Okay, how about we do away with the cameras and increase the tax rates to equal any revenue that they generated. Then EVERYONE can pay for babysitting people that can't manage to obey the speed limit, instead of those that choose to speed.

    1. first of all you fool it was sold on a lie to the people it was about the safety of the children there was never a safety issue to begin with it was all about the revenue thats all it ever is with government more money more money more money .

  50. 9:23-If the cameras are done away with so is the program created under a department within the state and so are the state employees who oversee this program. We are paying state taxes which in turn fund this program. The money is not free. You have to look at the whole picture. I believe the budget for this program is well into the 10's of millions. It's highway safety or something like that and I believe it's under the state highway department.

  51. The program is called "Safe Speed Automated Enforcement Program." It's overseen by the State Highway Admin.
    I heard it's like a 15 million dollar budget. Do these cameras rack in 15 million state wide? If not then the money is not free.
    Then each county or city that has them has to have employees going over them. So that costs money.
    It's a big scam. The ones making any significant amount of money are the camera vendors. When omalley claims he's created jobs this is what he is talking about.

  52. I just drove down St Luke's Rd in fruitland on my way to work, and the speed camera has been removed..hmmmm..

  53. I say remove all the speed cameras and take away police officers' ability to issue traffic warnings. Then everyone can be pulled over for doing 10mph over the limit instead of 12 and everyone can get a $90 fine and 2 points. Problem solved.

  54. If one chooses to believe rumor,the painter has already been ID'd,but martyrdom is not something our local LE agencies intend to be a part of.Apparently a passer by recognized our "hero".Where it goes from here is anyones guess.

  55. To the previous observers of the speed cameras' absence; They had court today. They are on the witness stand being cross-examined, but they're not talking... The Judge is getting ready to sentence them to community service and stand by the side of the road and wear signs.

    Oh, wait.

  56. I'm going to sign this one!

    To the previous observers of the speed cameras' absence; They had court today. They are on the witness stand being cross-examined, but they're not talking... The Judge is getting ready to sentence them to community service and stand by the side of the road and wear signs.

    Oh, wait.

  57. 10:16 AM

    I do not believe in rumors. But the rest of you can enjoy


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