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Saturday, September 21, 2013

Al Qaeda-Linked Somali Militant Group Claims Responsibility For Deadly Kenya Mall Attack

The Al Qaeda-linked Somali militant group al-Shabab is claiming responsibility for a deadly attack targeting non-Muslims at an upscale mall in Kenya's capital.

A statement from al-Shabab on its official Twitter feed Saturday says the attacks, which killed at least 39 and wounded 150, are retribution for military action by Kenya inside Somalia. The group said it was now shifting the battlefield to Kenya.

Witnesses say the gunmen asked victims they had cornered if they were Muslim: If the answer was yes, several witnesses said, those people were free to go. The non-Muslims were not.



  1. Another region of the world that needs to be eradicated.

  2. Africa , land of war for thousands of years.
    Hey African Americans , see what the Americans saved you from , you should thank GOD every day.
    Never mind , maybe you should go back to your homeland and practice how to use the weapons they give you , you already know how to use ours.

  3. So now they're attacking Barry's home turf. Look out, folks, we are going to get into another bogus war that has nothing to do with America.


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