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Sunday, September 15, 2013

21 Days to Stop Obamacare

Today, thousands upon thousands of patriots are rallying in Washington D.C. to demand Congress Exempt America from Obamacare. Like the President’s special interests and allies, America needs relief from this crushing law.

Supporters of Obamacare say our position is nonsense. Our opponents ignore that big businesses, unions, and Congress have received special treatment. They ignore how special interests are exempt, even temporarily, from this train wreck, but the average American is not.

We must keep up the pressure, everyone. Should our efforts fail to defund Obamacare, we will have lost the last real chance to stop this law. Subsidies and the exchanges take effect. Furthermore, once the rationing, taxes, and high spending in Obamacare begin, the law will be so intertwined with the lives of Americans that repeal will be nearly impossible. 

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  1. I agree, once implemented it will never be repealed...

    But nonetheless this still won't motivate anyone to help the cause in stop this crap...

    They will wait until it is to late because they still think a knight will come save the day... or the still think this is whack and not true or are still waiting for someone to say just messing...

    well no one is messing... this is more serious than a heart attack yet people whose lives will be affected still sit back and slap us in the face...

    The jokes on you because you will be stuck to... once you have to buy insurance or pay a fine to the IRS for not having insurance... Which will equate to 100 a month for not having insurance... then in 2015 it rises about 2 to 5 percent... then in 2016 another 2 to 5 percent and then in 2017 its over... more than 40% of your check will go right to obamacare and then the other taxes and then 401k if you have it and then you're left with nothing... not even so much to buy fuckuing bread and milk...

    But hey, who am i telling, you all wanted this... you asked for it, you voted for it, you got it...

    Bunch of sorry sick excuse of a human being you all americans are...

    Go fuck yourself american people... you deserve it rightfully so...

  2. Obviously civil language will disappear as well.

  3. "Bunch of sorry sick excuse of a human being you all americans are..."

    I have to say I agree. I just look around at the Obama supporters and anyone who isn't blind can see they are a putrid group of sub humans. Can hardly speak English, dressing like they just got out of prison, hopping around from bed to bed making babies they can't pay for, happy as hell with their obamaphones and other handouts, killing each other and on and on.

  4. They voted for Obama because they thought it was going to be free. Perhaps the best way to rid our our country of free riders, is just refuse them free medical care. Throw them out in a field and let the buzzards eat em. Well, guess what folks, if you are over 75, insurance or not, that's what you can expect. This is a terrible law and one that will send our Country into a tail spin. It's already started with full time employment going down the tubes.

  5. It's the law of the land. Get over it.

  6. I can't afford health care right now. I go to TLC and they charge me based on my income, between that and reduced prescriptions I'm satisfied with our county health plan. I'm seeing the same Practioner that I saw at my retired Dr's office.

    I just need major medical. I know quite a few people at TLC, these days it's not just for Po' Folk anymore!

  7. where can we who cannot attend the rally in person... go to and sign a petition or some kind of grievance

  8. Syria issue is another distraction to this bad communist law they plan t allow to go into the books...STOP OBAMA CARE NOW

  9. 4:56 Is that Total Lawn Care? They are great with your yard but I didn't know they offered those services.

  10. Obamacare caused my very large, local employer to cut me and several hundred other employees from 5 days a week to 4 in April so they would not have to offer us health care benefits. I generally enjoy my job and know I'm making a positive difference by working there. Affording their package is another question entirely.

    My job already provided no benefits. NONE. That is a 20% cut in my already low pay. I could not afford any health care premiums prior to the cut.

    I have been seeking other f/t jobs but since I'm within a few years of retirement age I get told I'm overqualified and over educated.

    45 years in the workforce and I now qualify for foodstamps. It is extremely embarrassing. The pay cut more than knocked out my food budget.

    Obamacare will do this to many, many folks who have far fewer skills to offer. There is no free lunch people.

  11. IBM just screwed their retirees out of health care. They are now telling them to buy health care from the new health care marketplace. Less for more after 30 years of busting your butt for a major corporation just to get screwed out of health care when you REALLY need it the most.

  12. They have sold Obamacare as a FREE healthcare program with coming just shy of saying so. Wake up people! This is going to cost more than just a monthly premium you can not afford but a tax increase withn in four years of full implementation. This will be the only way to afford the subsidies, not to the people but to the insurance companies!


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