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Thursday, August 29, 2013

Worse Choices – Worst Results For O'Malley

Governor O'Malley held a self-congratulatory, dog-and-pony show today, where he once again bragged about his "success" in job creation. The event today was the first in a series of planned events on the "O'Malley Reputation Rehabilitation Tour," where he will try to overcome his negatives by attempting to change the facts of his record. Business leader Larry Hogan said, "The governor is entitled to his own opinions but he can't just make up his own facts and pretend that they are true."Governor O'Malley continues to claim that his has had tremendous success in job creation, that he is "driving down unemployment" that he has "recovered 94% of all the jobs lost" in the recession. Those statements are absolutely false. The irrefutable facts show the actual situation to be completely the opposite of his false claims. "What we saw today was a governor spinning magical tales of successes that only exist in his own mind," said Hogan, founder and Chairman of the economic think-tank Change Maryland.



  1. And yet many Marylanders will actually believe him in spite of the evidence to the contrary and continue to vote Democrat.

    Why you may ask? I opine that most Marylanders are either blind or dumb. Those who aren't are not getting their voices heard.

    Plain and simple.

  2. I bet these so called jobs that were created were mostly from companies that get state welfare checks like the alternative energy BS.

  3. Time to vote with my feet.. this fool will never even get in the primaries..

  4. Since most of his voters are either dead, paid, in jail or repeats, it is no doubt that the sheeple will reelect the powers that be. So sad, this state is doomed economically.

  5. 1:27 Nailed it, I would just add "and politically".

  6. I'm a registered democrook,and this crook needs to go!hes a liar and needs to be more fiscally responsible. He is far from it!


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