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Thursday, August 22, 2013

Who Really Has Your Back 8-22-13


  1. that is straight up abuse

  2. And I hear that they will be leaving these dogs over there, due to the high cost of getting them home---shots 6 months in quarantine
    is to much for the Gov. to pay for them. That's the Gov. for you!
    They use you up then kick you down!

  3. What a bunch of losers. What is this supposed to be 'patriotic'. Do you actually think this dog wants to be that far off the ground. And if a 4-legged beast is your best friend, confidant, and who mainly has 'your back' then you have serious social issues.

  4. please folks, these brave animals are protecting YOUR but and im sure they have more guts and loyalty than you do

  5. is there an organization that helps to bring them home that we can help?

  6. If I were a dog, the chances I'd be skydiving someday would be slim. This dog is privileged. Unfortunately, the forces we have over there are far from "Protecting our Freedom", but being the world's most invasive terrorists ever. I feel shamed we are doing the murderous damage that we are over there.


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