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Thursday, August 29, 2013

The End Of Race

Scan the news on any given day in America, and you will invariably find multiple stories about race, racism, ethnicity, and race relations. We can’t seem to get enough of this topic, and correspondingly, the media appetite for all things race-related is unquenchable.

Racism is one of the more tragic features of the human condition. Like greed, envy, and other sins, it has been around for thousands of years, on every continent.

So here we are, in the most advanced, successful, and powerful nation in the history of the world, and yet we continue to struggle to get past the color of each other’s skin.

There is no more shallow, hollow, or soulless way to think about human beings than in terms of their skin color. It is completely inane. Under what logic would any intelligent, logical, or decent person give any thought to the pigmentation of a person’s epidermis? It’s nothing short of immoral, not to mention stupid (oops…there’s that word again).

On the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King’s famous “I Have a Dream” speech in August 1963, many are asking the question: Are we in a better place today when it comes to race relations?

Yes and no. On the yes side, consider the following:



  1. O just likes to use it as a tool to devide & conquer and to take your minds off of everything else he is doing. But the smart ones see right through it, not everyone's a sheep.

  2. Good article. But, just remember; your family arrived in America free.

  3. We must first go by the facts.
    It isn't about race at all , it is about greed.
    We , as white people have given minorities till it hurts. We are guilty of spoiling these people. They think we have to pay for all their wants and needs , mostly wants in the day and age.
    They refuse to earn what they receive , so this will be our downfall.
    All of the muslim nations have faced this problem for hundreds of years , mostly in Africa.
    This culture is learned very easily ."If you have it and I want , I will take it."
    It is a sad situation , but a race war will be the "only fix".
    Those of you and there are many whites and blacks who refuse to acknowledge this , and just turn their heads.
    The leader of this country who promotes racial disturbance has been our demise and destruction .
    3 men , Al Sharpton , Jessie Jackson and Obama have destroyed us as a nation.
    The reason there aren't any ammo on the shelves , we are stocking up .
    Take heed people , I don't want to be the one to tell you " I told you so".
    We don't have protection from FBI , Homeland Security , CIA or any other federal facility . Obama has installed all muslim leadership.
    Do your homework , please listen up.
    It's not a question of if , it's now a question of when.
    If I have scared you , then I have done my job. Sad on your a$$ if you don't get prepared.

  4. I cannot undue what was done 200 years ago. I was not around my family was not involved, however due to the color of someone's skin people believe that they are entitled to something. This is wrong. I wish all applications and job tests had no identification on them, just give the applicant a number. This way whomever tested the best gets the job and the test is color blind. Race relations are terrible in this country. It perpetuated by own president who picks and chooses what to be publicly outraged about based on the color of someone's skin. We have heard nothing from him about the young man shot and killed for fun or the veteran who was killed. where is the outrage for these senseless crimes? If our own "role models" can't keep their prejudices from the public, how will we ever become a true color blind nation. This is supposed to be the melting pot. Seems more like oil and water.

  5. 5:03 is delusional.

  6. The end of race? How about starting with the government, on every major official form you fill out for them, that's the first question. Anyway with all the race mixing, especially black men and white women, there won't be "white" and "black" anymore just light skinned black. Of course the liberal media will continue to refer to them as "black" like they do Obama.


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