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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Thank You

Hello Joe,

This email comes with sincerest gratitude and appreciation for being the ONLY news/media site to publish the news about Troy Durham's re-certification that he was forced to re-earn despite court orders.

I believe it is important for folks to know that the outcome of Deputy Troy Durham's continuing battle for justice will ultimately set a precedence for positive changes and make history; not only in Somerset County and Eastern Shore MD, but statewide as well. His case(s) may not seem "newsworthy" to the rest of the media now, but the citizens and taxpayers will -- and should -- want to know more when they find out who all is behind these injustices and how many millions of dollars of tax money is being used to support and represent them.

The next 'round' approaches as Somerset County Commissioners, County Administrator, County Treasurer, County Attorney, and others will face a Judge later this month to explain why Troy Durham has still not received ANY of his back pay or benefits despite court orders over one year ago.

Troy Durham's example of persistence, patience and professionalism throughout his continuing battle for justice is to be admired and respected.


  1. Maybe they will see the Snow Hill judge who found the Postal Service guilty of "bureaucratic belligerence". Hope so. There are a few judges who have courage.

  2. The good old boy system is being shut down.

  3. Transparency in government is way past due. Thanks to a FEW good lawyers, justice may finally be served in Somerset county. We have seen many elected and appointed officials commit atrocious crimes with no consequences.

    We have seen wrongdoing everywhere from animal control, detention center, commissioners office, even to the States Attorneys office and the high sheriff himself. Most crimes have been swept under the table and/or covered up, but maybe now the truth will finally surface.

    Remember this elected officials, the cover-up is usually worse than the crime. Come clean in the future and do what is right.

  4. 8-14-13
    They know nothing of 'coming clean' on anything.They just had another employee suspected of theft of County property, and it is rumored he did so with his top level supervisors' blessing. Both of them should have been fired yet a hearing( kangaroo court) cleared him after his boss testified to the above. He to is a supervisor and I wonder what kind of respect his underlings have for him.
    Somerset County by this time should have succeeded despite itself,but due to the under- handedness of ONE ruling clan it never has and never will.
    I`m sure none of the residents of Somerset have never heard the axiom 'winners write history' because if the voters never get smart and clean house they will allways be losers!

  5. He's to be commended!!!

  6. Take notice Salisbury!

  7. We love you Joe! Your the best! Hope you run for mayor again and beat the pants off that commie libtard democrat!


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