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Monday, August 12, 2013

Strong Words: Dutch Addresses NSA Leaker Edward Snowden

WASHINGTON (WJZ) — The father of NSA leaker Edward Snowden will visit his son in Moscow.

Linh Bui reports–Snowden is wanted in America on espionage charges.

Edward Snowden’s father wants his son to have his day in American court.

“Where my son chooses to live the rest of his life will be his decision. But I would like, at some point in time, for him to be able to come back to the U.S. Because I believe that the truth will shine through,” said Lon Snowden. 



  1. His dad has good intentions,but he fails to see the enormity of this situation.Any semblance of a productive "day in court"in the US is not an option.The minute he steps onto American soil,Snowden will be apprehended and will spend the rest of his life in jail.If his father was thinking clearly he would urge his son to NEVER return.

  2. the government will procsecute him with extreme prejudice. They don't like being exposed for the law breakers they are!

  3. Too bad he wasn't of color.
    He could get away with it due to his terrible upbringing.


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