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Saturday, August 24, 2013

State Manure Proposal Could Hurt Poultry Businesses, Farmers

Concerned about the negative impact an emergency proposal to limit the use of chicken manure on farms could have, the Worcester County Commissioners will send a letter of protest to state officials.

“Why is it an emergency?” asked Commissioner Virgil Shockley during Tuesday’s meeting of the county commissioners. “It was not supposed to be implemented until 2016.”

The new regulations, proposed by the Department of Agriculture, would penalize farmers and he asked the commissioners to act immediately by writing to officials in advance of the Aug. 28 public hearing being held by the Maryland General Assembly’s Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive and Legislative Review at 2:30 p.m. in the Joint Hearing Room in the Legislative Services Building in Annapolis.



  1. Just another job killer regulation, say no to your Senators and Congressmen NOW.

  2. 807-How does manure limits hurt jobs?

    Cancer rates on the Shore are incredibly high. Pollution into our waterways is incredibly high. Fixing the problem isn't a one answer solution.

  3. They could dump it in Annapolis or at the governor's house.

  4. 9:33, you must not have read the article. Go do that and get back to me.

    I'm not saying that something should not be done about a known issue, but destroying one of the last and largest Delmarva industries is the worst answer.

    A real solution to the core problem is needed.


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