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Thursday, August 01, 2013

Snowden Leaves Moscow Airport, Enters Russia On Refugee Status

NSA leaker Edward Snowden's lawyer says he has left the transit zone of Moscow's airport after WikiLeaks reported he successfully acquired refugee status in Russia. Snowden has been holed up in the airport since arriving from Hong Kong on June 23.


  1. Shows he respect and status our country has established over the last five years.

  2. Without going into detail,Snowden has amassed a collection of classified information that we've only begun to see.That info covers every imagineable topic.Every minute that he is not in US custody provides him with more opportunity to release the really sensitive stuff.He has now officially given Russia all of the info he possesses as an insurance policy.Even if the US gets him back,Russia has it all.Therefore,it would now be likely that the US would be afraid to stir things up because a double threat now exists.Chances are they'll leave him alone,while "acting" as though they're still attempting to bring him back.

  3. 1052-Snowden is a patriot for REVEALING THE TRUTH.

    Enjoy your indefinite detention with charges or trial, stupid Americans.

  4. russians are once again telling us to go screw ourselves. how is that restart button working for us. i suggest a strong letter of condemnation. that will have them quaking in their boots. Nice job american. home of the progressives

  5. 11:49-Once again I've failed to explain myself adequately.I did not mean he wasn't a patriot.He is indeed.Russia knows he is a patriot,as does the US.For once they can see the greatness in someone when our leaders cannot.He can't tell them anything that's of any use to them as Putin said.They already know everything that he knows.


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