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Sunday, August 04, 2013


I was a Registered Nurse at PRMC for just over 8 years. I loved my job and I’m still upset I HAD to leave. Mostly because of the change made to our health insurance. Many say “everyone is changing their insurance”.. To that I say I went to a facility in northern Sussex county, not that far away, and I have BCBS with a very traditional low cost structure. PRMC used the media attention that Obamacare was getting as a scapegoat to screw their employees so the executives could line their own pockets. 

Most of our patients do not know what the hospital has done to the employees at the hospital. Between revoked paid time off, adding a huge deductible to our insurance, and reducing our raises to 1% per year we all took pay cuts. Supposedly this was “for the good of the facility”.. While per several cardiologists noted that Peggy and other members of the executive team enjoyed the same or higher percentage raises and bonuses they always have, while the employees suffer and scrape to make ends meet. 

I can’t understand how someone in housekeeping or food service could afford $2000 out of pocket for healthcare costs per year for a family when I barely could. Explains why many were contemplating going part time so they could get Medicaid. Way to go helping the community and keeping people off the government teat PRMC! 

I got a little over $4.00 more per hour at a facility less than 1 hour away! Traditional insurance with a $400 deductible for a family versus $2000 there. Not to mention we just got another 5% raise since I started there. I am now making close to 6.00 per hour more than I did there. The big difference, executives who are the most supportive of nurses I have ever seen. Many of the managers and executives at PRMC are former nurses, and they should be ashamed of themselves for turning their backs on the profession that afforded them these opportunities to advance in their careers. 

I miss everyone I worked with and I feel bad for them. I am also angry that I had to leave a job I loved so much and was so good at and comfortable in. I loved the kind of nursing I did and loved caring for those patients. I guess if all of the good nurses continue to get wise and leave they can just pay to bring more nurses from other countries here, as they have done in the past. This is because, eventually, they will be the only ones willing to work there. I think the administration vs. employee’s attitude the executive team and management staff has is going to cost this facility eventually. The people who come to this facility to receive care will eventually realize the caliber of the employees this place will attract will decrease to match what they are offering and so will the quality of care they receive. 

I agree with others who have posted here... PRMC NEEDS A UNION!!!!! More so than at any other time. I just hope the employees left there can group together rise up and make it happen. Hopefully they haven’t been broken and brainwashed beyond any ability to take control of what is happening. It not only would improve the lives of those employees, but I believe will save a facility that so many rely on from complete ruin.



  1. That's the great thing about this country, you can work for anyone you want. Sounds like you are better off so why bash your former employer? You are not owed anything.

  2. Because she hates to see them screw people over IDIOT...

  3. 10:16 - You are just perpetuating the problem. They need bashing.

  4. hmmm. I was under the impression that the newish HRA card that gives us money to help off set the cost of the higher deductible.
    Am I wrong about this??

  5. Starting a union will be difficult at best....and the leadership there will no doubt catch wind of it and put the brakes on all those involved. More importantly....the entire administration is what has to go. One of the questions that I use to hear when people moved here...was that we have all the attractions of a place to retire or raise a family in. PRMC being one of these factors.....not anymore!

  6. A Union! Yea that's just what you want. If you think your being screwed now, wait till the Union gets done with you and your job.
    I had a stinking Union Card onetime. Never again.

  7. 10:41 , that depends, who's money is on the HRA card? Yours? As deducted off your paycheck along with your healthcare premium? Or does PRMC put the $2,000 on the card for you to use? There can also be a catch to that accumulated funds, as some accounts are if it is your money and you don't use it all by the end of the year you can kiss it goodbye. Looks like either you were not paying attention or it was not properly explained to you how it works, because you should already know the answer to your question.

    1. It's a $4000 deductible with Prmc giving you the first $2000 on a card. Or should I call it the card of eternal uncertainty. The card constantly has problems and is more trouble than its worth. You go months waiting for the claims to go through the insurance company before you can pay, or even know what you will owe. Your effective deductible is still $2000 per family.

  8. boo-hoo cry me a river would you?

    It is not like everyone else isn't going through this...

    It is not like we didn't warn you...

    It is not like we didn't try to open your eyes and educate you...

    It is not like we didn't keep on telling you this would and will happen...

    To you I say STFU you have no room here to talk or complain or be upset or NOTHING at all really...

    You get what you deserve and to that I mean, this is what happens every time someone turns their back or a blind eye or who think "THIS CAN'T HAPPEN TO ME AND IT PROBABLY WON'T"...

    We all are going through this and most that others, and for the ones who haven't yet, give it a little bit they will too...

    Again I ask, what does this post do? NOTHING it tells us what we already knew... IT doesn't help anything or fix anything... I see no action in this post so what's the point in it?

    Maybe, just maybe you all now will educate yourself or actually listen to the so call conspiracy therost who told you this was happening, it was gonna happen, or that it was already here...

    I mean give me a f'ing brake, what the f' else needs to happen to you people that you will finaly realize this is all a plan and it is all engineered and it shows the govt is smarter than you?

    You continue to post crap, comment and the like and basically exhaust your resources and time and action to the wrong places and people...

    So who is the one out of touch, who is the stupid one, who is lacking in knowledge, who is the one crying a river over what happened to them, who turned their backs and thought a knight would come save the day?

    Exactly; you all did and now look at you all, starting to realize what we "the people you been putting down" have been saying all along...

  9. Unions are not the answer to anything. Most realize this. Please continue to get to word out regarding PRMC.
    1. Poor Management at many levels.
    2. Poor employee relations.
    3. Poor patient care.
    4. Dirty hospital.
    5. Deceptive practices.
    6. Very expensive.
    7. E.R. a joke
    8. Obvious many CNA's and others don't want to be there. This attitude is felt and seen by patients.
    There are many more problems, but this gives you a start.

    Continue to get this info out to the public and encourage employees to speak out and the word on the street will speak for itself.
    Continue to tell your local doctors that are connected to PRMC that you will not use PRMC. Tell them you want to use AGH or go across the bay to Mercy or Johns Hopkins or another hospital of your choice...

  10. 40 years ago they needed a union. Nurses did everything "for the patients" instead of getting paid for the amount of overtime they put in. One sick day & they docked you 3 since your pay "is based on a 7 day week & you only get those extra 2 days pay if you work 5... ABOMINABLE practices like this. You probably worked 50 to 60 hours & getting paid for 4 if you had a sick day.

  11. The Unions are what are bringing this country down! Who do you think supported Obama and the Democrats? The Unions. Big mistake.

  12. Mark my word, Peggy what's her name will be looking for another place to move on probably within 18 months is my guess!

  13. No one is forcing anyone to work at PRMC. If you don't like your job, quit. It's that simple. You and some other posters on here seem to suggest that the public should do something for you. Screw that, this is not socialism. PRMC is privately owned, this is not a public issue.

  14. 10:50 ?
    Not sure what the point of that was?

  15. unions are why this country is such a mess now. it's not an answer to anything. only more problems. look at detroit.

  16. If they just did their job instead of having freaky sex all the time, the place would be great.

  17. 11:09 - Are you nuts? It is a public issue - In case you hadn't noticed it's the only hospital in Salisbury, why shouldn't the public know what's going on. But....I can certainly start using the one in Berlin, matter of fact much prefer it over PRMC anyway.

  18. To 11:09 AM

    You are incorrect. PRMC and most of its subsidiaries are non-profits (which is not the same as not making a profit). PRMC is a community owned asset operated for the benefit of the community.

    The Board of Directors are drawn from a variety of local community 'leaders' and they hire and supervise a number of upper level managers who are paid to run PRMC.

    Management has always been focused on presenting a happy story to the Board. Board members are active in the community at large; speaking with them away from PRMC provides a neutral environment in which to share concerns in a respectful manner; more likely to get their attention this way.

    Not carrying water for any point of view, but speak from experience.

  19. PRMC is not the place to work i worked there 10 years and im thankful every day i chose AGH to be employeed PRMC ER could learn alot from AGH ER that crew down there is on top of things. I have had several visits to PRMC one recent where my fiance arrived at 730am. And a tech byand the name Mary started his iv and ruined his jeans got blood all over them never offered nothing to clean him up. Sent him back to waiting room like that. He waited an hour and was brought to a room where he had this older no beside manner nurse Mary also. She came in once told him labs ok went back to computer and sat. I listened to the PA (mike last name started with a C) and the tech carry on about the gym and talking about her being in love nice conversation and this went on for a while.and no one still had not checked on him. At this point im pissed. The ct scan person brought his contrast to drink and almost 2 hours no one had yet taken him and this nive little charge nurae came by and i said something and she took him. This place is unbelievable they need some cleaning up with someone from outside for administration.

    1. If you had used some punctuation and/or paragraph breaks, I might have actually read this.

  20. This practice is going on all over the country. Management wants to maintain their lifestyle and can't do it because of the economy. You've seen how everything has gone up! So where are they going to get the money from?....the workers. Management seems to have forgotten who does the work to get them the money they make.

  21. Since this hospital is using CNA's to run the hospital , everyone is looking for a change in their health care facility.
    These CNA's can't even change a bed pan correctly , we have told them to empty the pan , they just won't.

  22. So do you believe that all non profits should answer to the community? The the community should have a say? That's rediculous. You're most likely the same type of self described independant that wants more freedom and less government....well, than keep your nose out of it.

  23. Unions are horrible, and will lead to much worse manipulation and deception.

  24. And your CEO makes a shade over 15,000 a week in salary.

  25. Its so sad to see what's happening here! PRMC is no where near what it use to be. Very sad!!

  26. Don't be silly 10:16. Of course any employee that chooses can leave any time they want.
    But only a moron wouldn't want a hospital to hire and retain the best help it can get. Experience is a major plus in the healthcare field. A revolving door in a hospital is not ever ever a good thing. It's the doctors and the nurses and all the others in the 'trenches' including housekeeping and food service, etc that keep the hospital running and quite frankly if the director and upper management left this second I bet the hospital wouldn't miss a beat and would run smoothly.
    Too many chiefs has caused the financial problems at PRMC. So many insecure people who need a title so they can feel important. Same thing is going on in the government.

  27. Many are getting the shaft this year, I got it his past spring due to some medical act in 2008. Welcome to THE BIG SCREW CLUB.

  28. Whoever posted comment on CNAS - WTH. Who are you to run them down. get a life people.

  29. 12:07 you are an idiot. What does political affiliation have to do with the rapid decline of the only hospital in close proximity?

    PRMC needs an enema from the top down, not a union. It is a state funded hospital and that is why they can not refuse anyone in the ER. If it is such a great hospital why are there so many doctor owned private surgical facilities opening up around the area? If the doctors don't want to work there why would anyone else want to work there? Telling people to quit their jobs if they don't like it is ridiculous. Picture this, you or someone you love is in ICU or just a regular ward needing care and everyone just up and quits. Then what? Who will be the one crying then? Sometimes it's better to keep your mouth shut before spouting off some of the ridiculous things read on this site.

  30. If you fall on hard times, 10:50, I hope you get as much sympathy as you're willing to give.

  31. PRMC is here to stay, if you don't like it stay away; if you don't want to work, stay away. No one is holding a gun to anyones head to go there or work there. Nuff said.

  32. 10:50 AM

    You are a bitter little person aren't you?

  33. What the community need to do is stop going to PRMC. What the employees need to do if they are unhappy, just leave. There are too many puppets,concubines, bloodline, congregational/ community connectors, nepotism and buttock kissing employees at PRMC. Things will Never change. Just Leave. And, the community need to stop supporting an institution that cares nothing about them. I stop going to PRMC in the 80's. Those high paid executives will NOT get my money.

  34. We as tax payers in Wicomico CO sure as hell do have a say. They are the biggest NON-PAYER of taxes due to their non-profit status. So they DO answer to us...so for fly a friggin kite!

  35. When I was a child my father was in a union and I can still remember them coming after him when he crossed over the picket line to feed his family. My first taste of union behavior was not my last...I was in a union and they represented me well until I needed something. The people in the union (private workers) were salt of the earth...but the union machine was not a bit of help to me. The old saying "safety in numbers" applies in some ways but not in others when it comes to unions.

  36. 244-Hospitals close all the time. Wouldn't suprise me if it happened to PRMC. "Nuff said"

  37. 10:50 is a hate monger,or as my father in law used to say,a hate mongrel.

  38. the er is a joke, security guards cant protect any of the employees and are to busy trying to sleep with the nurses, nurses over worked and underpaid, no breaks for anyone except the managers.

  39. with a union, they can't take away vacation days and you get a raise every year.

  40. I told my kids straight up if something happens to me, to take me to the veterinarian if I couldn't make it to Hopkins or University hospital! I really believe my mother would still be alive today had she not been in PRMC.

  41. You 2:35 are delusional. Do you know how many non-profit organizations are in Wicomico County? Look it up, a couple hundred. You have no say, now go back to your little doublewide an beat your wife/husband.

  42. Prmc is a joke they can afford new expensive additions, buying up of entire neighborhood to tear down for parking, give execs big bonuses and raises...... Id rather see the whole place burn to the ground... if it came down to dying or going there.... measure me for a coffin

  43. Prmc is a sad state "For looks only" Every patient needs an advocate when they enter the hospital Recently had a friend who had major neck and back surgery and it was up to the patient to figure out how to brush teeth and to get bathed for the day Noone even asks if you need anything, I think all of this changed when the "patient" became the "client" Call me old fashion Cleanliness is the basic for infection prevention!!!

  44. PRMC management needs an overhaul. I, too, am a previous employee and besides meeting some nice people I have nothing good to say about the establishment. I was a nursing assistant there that took pride in my work. I was overworked, underpaid, and often felt very appreciated. If you were not in certain cliques you were often picked on for any little reason instead of being recognized for the effort you put into your job. They would find all kind of ridiculous reasons to not give you a bonus if the so called budget allowed for one. Some of the nurses were lazy as shit calling the CNAs for things they couldve clearly handled themselves and they would also sit to the desks and talk all day about their personal lives and issues. The environment of PRMC is very depressing not only to workers but also some patients.

  45. Wow, from the amount of responses to this letter, it certainly is an important issue in our community. Not that the Daily Disappointment Times would publish ANYTHING that was negative about PRMC> Thank you SBYNEWS for getting this information to the public. I cannot believe some of the comments posted. Really people? YOU should be concerned about the quality of health care in your community. EVERYONE gets hurt or sick at some time, and HAS to go for medical care. Period. So, you better care about what's going on there. If you need a non urgent, elected procedure, you can take the time to go anywhere, but for an emergency, you don't have a choice as to where you end up, as local ambulances will take you straight there, not to Berlin and not across the bridge.Yes, I am a nurse, and NO, I do not work there. However, I am insulted as to the "nurse bashing" going on in some of the comments. Knock it off.I hope you need a nurse sometime and get the same compassion I am reading in your vicious comments.

  46. To 9:02 a.m., from my experiences at PRMC, the nurses are cold, uncaring, lazy and too concerned with their personal issues to be of much use to patients. I can't begin to know the reason for this, but it's the truth. Overall, I believe most people appreciate nurses ... just not the majority of nurses at PRMC. Don't take it personally if you are not one of them.

  47. To 10:16 a.m. - your employer DOES owe you respect, fair and equitable treatment, a safe work environment, and an honest wage for an honest day's work. I don't know where you work, but you clearly have no clue!

  48. There is a new banner on the hospital it replaced the top 100 hospital banner does this mean that under the current leadership PRMC is no longer one of the best hospitals in the country. It seems like marketing is more important than simply providing good patient care Maybe a current board member should ask exactly what the new banner means and why PRMC is no longer a top 100 hospital. It might relate to the obvious morale problems listed above

  49. I have a friend who works there and she hates her job and tells people not to work there. The management is horrible she says.

  50. I take all of my hospital business over the bridge to John Hopkins.

    Even there things are still screwed-up.

  51. Everyone's health care costs went up. Blame Obama he is the reason why. If you voted for this - stop whining.


  52. 3:49 The problem with that is, even the people who don't EARN a raise will get one.

    Unions ruin companies in the long haul. Makes it a gift to be lazy and unproductive. "Here, we know you suck, come to work late, disregard your duties... but you're in our union and get a 3% raise" Congrats on sucking.

  53. Sad to say, the culprit is most likely Obamacare. What you are seeing at PRMC is going to happen across the country. Obamacare was sold as one thing but in reality, there is no free ride and it will cost everyone in the long run to pay for the uninsured.

    1. They used that as an excuse.. But way to early to be true. They should have waited to put on that farce it would have been more believable and less apparent that poor management of money and resources for years is the true culprit.

  54. The culprit is not Obamacare, it's the uncaring pork at the top of the food chain. Even management tried to blame the loss of 2 vacation days to the government sequestration. Get a clue. Could it be the cost of all of the remodeling? Last time we lost vacation days was when they bought Mr.Curley's and the adult bookstore. We're not stupid. Just trapped at the only game in town.

  55. Prmc doesn't care about their employees they do not listen to what you have to say, there child care
    Is to be ?. Also

  56. 11:47 The idea of Obamacare is not to have to pay for the freeloaders.

  57. The problem with PRMC is that they know the employees are there because they want to be in the area, not because we have an excellent facility here. Most employees don't want to move where there are hospitals on every corner and the management knows that so they abuse them. A good company recognizes good employees and does what they can to keep me happy which in turns makes them look better/profit more. PRMC knows they have a few good employees and they abuse them by over working to pick up the slack of most employees and under paying them because they know they won't leave. This practice from the management is what has ruined the hospital and the few good employees. You have to take care of your employees if you want to succeed and when it comes to my health and my loved ones, I want employees that care and that is not PRMC. If they have to send out a memo to justify why management gets paid above the curve then why do employees get paid well below the curve? It all goes back to how you treat employees, you treat bad then you get bad, you treat good then you get good. Is it right?? No but you can't expect employees to bust their butts and please everyone when they are the ones getting sh¡t on day in and day out. Personally, I'm thankful we are only a couple hour drive to some of the top health care facilities in the nation, some people/places aren't so fortunate.

  58. I don't know how PRMC gets good ratings because they are such a bad hospital. some of the staff when you go there they act as if you are bothering them just being there.I have heard of and experienced very bad service and I and other people and friends have gotten x rays and test result reports given to our regular doc's that said there were no problems only to find out that people had bad pnemonia, broken bones and even cancer that you could see on the x-rays and tests and the report to the dr stated no problems. now that is very bad.

  59. You got a raise, then left your job??? Everyone in our company took a 10% pay cut 5 years ago just to keep our jobs and have yet to recover a single cent!! Sorry, I have no sympathy.

  60. I got a new job elsewhere . It was a 15% raise over what Prmc was paying me... And since then I've gotten another 5%. No need to feel sorry for me. Just hate to see a once good hospital go down the tunes. Learn to read 3:50


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