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Sunday, August 04, 2013

Rising Seas Part 1: Sea level, sinking land put Maryland’s waterfront communities at risk

CRISFIELD, MD – Noah Bradshaw knows what the rising waters of the Chesapeake Bay can do to a community.

The 68-year-old city inspector grew up in a house in town that had been moved from nearby Holland Island a century ago.

“Holland Island is gone,” Bradshaw said. “It’s underwater.”

The last house disappeared into the bay two years ago, marking the demise of an island once 5 miles long and home to a fishing community of 300 residents.

Now, rising sea levels and sinking land, the same forces that doomed the island, threaten Crisfield, its seafood industry and its 2,710 residents. And a newly discovered tidal pattern puts them in greater peril than previously known.


  1. See ya Chrisfield. Cliamate change deniers sold you out.

  2. Now none of them can say they were'nt warned.

  3. What a load of BS. It's called erosion, not rising sea levels.

  4. 10:10am - Unbelievable to me that scientific evidence abounds and people still deny global warming. Thanks for helping to destroy the lives of following generations. Guess you are heavily invested in fossil fuels.

  5. Holland Island sank because of the things it was built upon. Holland Island was mostly clay and silt which isn't very stable, so Holland Island that is now sank has nothing much to do with water rising.

  6. 10:39 AM
    Global Warming isn't a big problem as people make it. Global warming is melting the polar ice caps but not at the rates they exaggerate it as. Global warming was there during the back in the 70 and before. But the polar ice caps hasn't fully melt. Also the earth has it's own way to cool and heat it self.

  7. It is more about the land sinking , the article sites the fact the land around the bay has been sinking for thousands of years. Scientific evidence is only as valid as the methodology of the testing and interpretation of results 10:39--ever heard of Micheal Mann and his false Hockey Stick?

  8. The seafood industry was destroyed by the greed of man and over use of the area. The market moved elsewhere.

  9. hello tree huggers and global warming church members; this has nothing to do with the religion you're in. it has everything to do with cyclical cooling and warming and tidal changes. get it??? this article even mentions tidal changes.

  10. It's called erosion. It is a part of the ecology! Duh!

  11. Y'all better pray that MOM or Brownie don't get wind of the "sun tax" that Spain just came up with. No doubt it would save schools and part the waters in Crisfield.

  12. Could be plate tonics involved. As one side rides up on another the other side goes down.

  13. The "scientific" comments here are pretty amusing. Plate "tonics", "ecology" (not the right branch of science to describe erosion), and debunked hockey stick articles. So even if global warming is real or not, I don't understand why everyone is so adamant that it is not real. What is the harm in understanding the potential for global warming and trying to figure out how to reduce it if it is happening?

  14. First of all, we have to get rid of the alarmists before we'll ever have a true understanding of the climate. In the 70's, they were skeert of global cooling. Then temps warmed up a bit and they were discredited.

    In the 90's, it became global warming. And many of these scientists have been caught manipulating data to scare people and increase their own scientific funding. Remember Al Gore's hockey stick shaped graph that ignored natural variations in the past and put together an alarmist forecast which so far hasn't proven itself? Well, many scientific studies published in journals did the same thing!

    Once they got caught, they renamed it global change. Because while you can absolutely disprove models and predictions of cooling or warming, nobody can deny that the climate changes. One day is warmer/colder/ranier/sunnier/windier/etc. They had to change their argument with symantics to try and make it all sound more legitimate. But it's the same shoddy argument that has been going on for 40+ years.

    Now what do they propose to combat global change? Taxes on carbon, which are essentially taxes on life itself because all known life is comprised of carbon. They want us to pay these taxes to a global bank. And carbon exchanges get to take fees for transferring carbon credits between parties. None of these organizations have the right to tax life itself and suck value out of our lives. Gore and Obama both own equity in carbon exchanges. Keep in mind that their arguments aren't meant for the betterment of you and me - it's to make money for themselves! In summary, many of you are being manipulated to aggrandize the few in an illegitimate, alarmist scheme.

    Carbon dioxide is essential to life. As it increases in our atmosphere, plants grow faster and turn more carbon dioxide into more oxygen. Imagine that - over time earth maintains a homeostasis.

    I am certain that we're in a long-term warming trend. Remember learning about the Ice Age? Glaciers existed down through the great plains. Industrialization didn't cause that. And industrialization didn't start until well after the earth warmed up and those glaciers are long gone. But the water had to go somewhere, didn't it? That's how we got aquafers, lakes, seas, oceans, canyons, valleys, etc.

    There will come a time when factors cause the earth to cool, and the trends will go the other way for quite some time. Until then, we'll adapt our way of life as people have done for thousands and thousands of years. And we'll be fine.

  15. I feel sorry for the folks that are in the predicament of living in the areas that will be under water and I am one of them. The tide comes in the yard and under my house ALL THE TIME! It is my own stupidity that I did not research more thoroughly when I bought the property. Now I am stuck with property that is not worth what I owe on it and have to pay hefty flood insurance premiums that are useless.

  16. 12:59 OMG...finally...someone who acknowledges their own mistake instead of blaming everyone else in the area. You..sir/madame are rare on the eastern shore

  17. 12:36 PM
    Global warming crap is something al gore and his cronies came up with to make money, after he lost the election.
    The world has been warming up since the ice age. So now we have a rain tax, Spain has a sun tax, and maybe a ice tax?

  18. Higher tides are caused by failing private septic systems dumping more and more sewage into the bay. We never had this problem using outhouses.

  19. 10:39 I am, thanks. Helped me earn 427% increase in my investment portfolio, after Wall Street and the US Government screwed me out of most of my money.

    Should we all add ethanol to our gas? Well, that just ruined all of our cars, mowers, and various other engined equipment.

    Should we all go with electric cars? That would be nice, but now we realize the batteries suck, the government has given up on this, and they are going to tax the hell out of it... due to loss in revenue at the pumps.

    Maybe solar panels? Oh yeah, they're going to be taxed to death as well, since they can't snag you on your electric bill anymore.

    Oh yeah, wind power... Oops, can't do that, our neighbors would complain. Or an entire city would be up in arms that they'd have to look at wind mills, 5 miles off shore. Not that they'd even see them, what with getting mugged, shot or hit by a car in said city.

    These "green" people are grasping.


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