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Thursday, August 08, 2013

Republican Rep. Mike Kelly: Obama “Divides Us On Race”

Doesn’t Obama do just that? It’s actually part of his election strategy. Convince Hispanic Americans that Republicans hate them and they’ll vote Democrat. Get black Americans angry about Trayvon Martin and they’ll vote Democrat. The only difference between Obama and race hustlers like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton is that he’s a little less on the nose about it and there is a finally a Republican in Congress who’s calling him out on it.

Republican Rep. Mike Kelly unleashed a diatribe on President Barack Obama on Friday, at one point saying he “divides us on race.”

“This week I heard the president talk about phony scandals. There’s nothing phonier than the words that have come out of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. about reuniting this country, bringing us together as a people,” the Pennsylvania Republican said at a news conference Friday. “No, he’s not a uniter; he’s a divider. He divides us on race, he divides us on income. He picks winners and losers.”



  1. race relations have been set back to the 1960's. I hope that someday we can all live in harmony, but right now I am not optimistic about that happening.

  2. As long as this idiot is president, all bets are off.


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