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Friday, August 23, 2013

Relief In Sight For Chronically Ill

Medical marijuana could become available in Delaware in the next year.

Gov. Jack Markell is renewing efforts to open a compassionate care facility in the state. He said only one center will be licensed and the center can cultivate no more than 150 plants or 1,500 ounces of marijuana on site.

“I believe that the path forward we have identified together keeps faith with Delaware’s commitment to patients, while doing all that is practically possible to address the legitimate concerns of the federal government,” Markell said.



  1. And maybe, just maybe if Gov. Markell keeps his word this time, Doctors will actually "start" to recommend it. I haven't been able to locate one yet that is willing to do so, and that is one of the rules of Delaware's medical marijuana laws. I had a pain management doctor in Maryland, because I worked in Maryland and my insurance stated that I had to go to Maryland doctors, who said he would be more than glad to recommend me. But he wasn't licensed to practice in Delaware. I figure by the time Delaware gets up to speed it will be legal everywhere. I hope they prove me wrong and I don't have to move but I'm not holding my breath.

  2. 150 plants? Who are they gonna supply with 150 plants? Beau Biden and a couple of his best buds (no pun)? 150 plants wouldn't be month's supply of weed at Christiana High School, much less any sort of relief to an entire state....and THAT'S not taking into account internal "skimming" by the police tasked to "watch" it....wink wink....


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