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Thursday, August 29, 2013

Q&A With Resort Police Chief; Chief Says ‘Boardwalk Is Truly Safe’ But ‘We Need To Clean Up Some Things’

OCEAN CITY — In a sweeping interview this week, Police Chief Ross Buzzuro explained why he believes Ocean City is a safe place to live and visit and what he plans to do to keep it that way.

Hired July 1, Buzzuro is no stranger to Ocean City, as he has owned property locally for years, but his roots are in the Baltimore City Police Department, where he began in 1985 and worked his way through the ranks to become lieutenant colonel in 2007. He was selected by the Mayor and Council in June, and his tenure began on a sad note, as he was sworn in one day after two members of the Ocean City Police Department were killed in an off-duty plane crash off Ocean City.

In the weeks prior and since Buzzuro took over, there have been several high-profile crime incidents in Ocean City. In a roundtable discussion with The Dispatch this week, Buzzuro, along with Public Information Officer Mike Levy, outlined how his urban background and experience with video surveillance and intelligence gathering will benefit the town in addressing general safety concerns.



  1. Crack down on ...
    loud music
    open containers
    pants on the ground
    moped idiots
    tail gating
    did i say moped idiots?

  2. Well guess the new chief is another one of the mayors puppets already.

  3. If it's so safe I want him to bring his family to the boardwalk with no police escort.

  4. Took an outsider to see that?

  5. At least the interviewer got right to the problem; unfortunately the new chief and his spinmeister danced around the main issue being discussed. It's the property owners' fault? Oh come on. Read the whole interview. Their answers are full of anything and everything but none of them hits the nail on the head.

    The new chief told his first public lie in answer to the third question. The boardwalk is not safe at night. You got that, chief? Anyone who lives downtown or works there will tell you it is not safe. Have a meeting with them, preferably late at night and without anyone beside you to twist things around. There is so much intimidation and loud bad language and harassment that it is impossible to miss. The good people who used to be welcome here are being chased away by this new breed. You say you understand free enterprise? Good, then next year when there are even fewer tourists you can explain to your bosses that people don't want to travel and spend a lot of money to go through what you are apparently unaware of downtown.

    OC's Mayor and Council, and now their new chief, just do not have the guts to stand up to this new mob mentality. They are afraid to do what's necessary, to declare OC a thug-free zone.


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