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Sunday, August 04, 2013


EPITOME OF IGNORANT - Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee I St


  1. Are you Fn Kidding Me?

  2. A free slave? She looks great for her age even though she's as dumb as a brick.
    Affirmative action has done nothing for her. She got the title and the position, but she has no depth of logical ability or common sense. She is of no substance, hollow.

  3. She's a 'freed slave'???? Good grief, how old is this woman?

  4. I thought they struck down affirmative action?!

  5. I WISH I made the money, traveled the world, and had just HALF of the benefits and priviledges this "free slave" has....herein lies the biggest obstacle in race relations -- no matter how much is given (and happily taken), no matter the stature, wealth, priviledges, or standing, it ALWAYS comes back to "poor me...someone I didn't know, and never knew, was a slave and not only is it YOUR fault, you owe me more and more." Now, get my jet ready -- the BLACK PRESIDENT (or he is white?) of the most powerful nation on earth wants me go to to China with him...My ancestors were Cherokee Indians. They had their ENTIRE NATION stolen and they were beaten and killed like they were stray dogs. My mother told us about how her mother and grandparents were treated as Indians, but she NEVER said a word about anyone owing us anything. Take a lesson, Sheila...

  6. Another race baiter in high power.

  7. Did she say "birfday"? And she is an elected official. Wow!!!! You should not be allowed to graduate from any school speaking Ebonics.

  8. ha. what is she like 150 years old...lol

  9. She is a good example of the decay our Country is in. The people that voted for her to represent them is my point. Education takes some work to achieve. Stupidity is free. Does that tell you anything.

  10. My goodness! Ignorance at its best on all sides. As an African American I expect no special priviledges. Everything that I have, I've worked hard for. It's time to leave the slave mentality where it belongs. But the comments that I've read is what keeps racism alive!!!!!!!

  11. And so how do you explain Ophra Winfrey being one of the richest women in the world?

    It's called American opportunity.

  12. This man in black woman's skin & clothing is an idiot! And, a RACIST! You can't even make up the ignorance this freak puts out!

  13. 11:18 What comments are you referring to??

  14. looks pretty good wearing that $500 outfit and $300 hair Doo, Can you say Fn Hypocrite.

  15. @ 12:26 11:18 has nothing! There are no racist comments here. They're just a liberal victim that wants to have their feelings hurt and tow the minority discrimination line.
    The woman is a BOZO.
    Even 11:18 won't deny that.

  16. I wonder if she ever found the flag on mars that the astronauts placed there.

  17. She is the descendant of a slave maybe, but definitely a slave in her own mind.

  18. She's another Shanie, just on a national level.

  19. Another grandstand play to distract the media and the sheeple from what ob' is doing to us.


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