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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

On The 'Obamacare Effect'; "Anecdote This," Dr. Furman

If you caught the NBC Nightly News segment last week about one of the unintended consequences of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), you’ve probably guessed where I’m going with this. For those who missed it, NBC’s Lisa Myers reported speaking with “almost 20 small businesses and other entities around the country” and that “almost all said that because of the new law, they’d be cutting back hours for some employees.” Of course, NBC was merely adding to the extensive media coverage of organizations reducing workers’ hours to limit ACA costs. But the Obama administration doesn’t see why there’s such a fuss. According to Myers:
The White House dismisses these examples as “anecdotal.” The president’s top economic advisor [CEA Chair Jason Furman] told us “he sees no systematic evidence the health care law is having an adverse impact on the number of hours employees are working.”

So, should we take our government’s word and dismiss the examples as anecdotal?



  1. I expect no more from the mentally incopentant. I know several single women who have had their hrs cut due to the employeer not being able to give them benefits.

    They are All Crazy up there in Washington----not affecting them so they will never care about the people untill they have to live as We do!

  2. Um, no, we should take all the facts and present them to the public. Is this somehow a new policy? Looks to me like somebody is lying and wants it covered up. DUH.

  3. I guess these idiots still haven't read it

  4. Wicomico Board of Education reduced the hours for employees without benefits in April to 30 per week or less.

    This included substitute teachers, various aides and coaches (some are not teachers).

    For substitutes who previously worked 5 days, without any benefits, 4 days is the new maximum. 20% pay cut!!

    With 20% cut, expected to buy coverage in near future??

    Thanks, Obama!

  5. ANYTHING coming out of Washington is shrouded in lies. I don't know if you could find even one congressman that has not been affected by the many sins of congress. One bad apple will ruin all the apples in the basket.


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