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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Iran Warns Obama And Cameron That They Would Intervene Military In Retaliation If US/UK Attack Syria

Iran has warned that foreign military intervention in Syria will result in a conflict that would engulf the region.

The threatening rhetoric from Tehran came in response to a statement by the secretary of state, John Kerry, on Monday that the US would respond to the "undeniable" use of chemical weapons in Syria.

In the strongest signal yet that the US intends to take military action against the Assad regime, Kerry said President Bashar al-Assad's forces had committed a "moral obscenity" against his own people.

"Make no mistake," Kerry said. "President Obama believes there must be accountability for those who would use the world's most heinous weapon against the world's most vulnerable people. Nothing today is more serious, and nothing is receiving more serious scrutiny".

Iranian foreign ministry spokesman, Abbas Araqchi, indicated it was equally resolved to defend Assad.



  1. FSA are Terrorists gassing there own PEOPLE to draw America into war with syria then the Muslim Brotherhood will take over is this what our President wants YES.

  2. THIS is where we are now in the world --- a half-assed tiny, muslim country that can't hit a target more than 50 miles away, THREATENS us and WARNS us not to do something?


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