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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Eating Raw Garlic May Help Cut Risk Of Lung Cancer Almost In Half, Study Finds

A clove of garlic a day might keep the vampires away, but the vegetable may have other protective properties as well.

According to a new study by researchers from the Jiangsu Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention in China, consuming raw garlic might actually help prevent lung cancer, along with other various chronic health problems.

Researchers believe that raw garlic's benefits are connected to a chemical called allicin, which is released once raw garlic is smashed or diced. This chemical is believed to not only reduce inflammation, but also reduce damage from free radicals to the body's cells.



  1. It is also an incredible cure for hemorrhoids. The oil reduces inflammation very quickly and a daily dose of a good brand of odorless gel caps (my preference) seems to prevent them from coming back.

  2. Great birth control too. No one will get near you.

  3. Good for repelling vampires, too.

  4. That's an old wives tale about keeping vampires away.They must be killed.A bullet in their vital organs will do,and the wooden stake thing is a joke.They die just like everyone else.Why would anyone eat raw garlic when the same benefits are available in a pill?

  5. @ 3:46...because garlic tastes really good? To some at least.


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