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Thursday, August 29, 2013

Doctor Rand

Senator Paul performs pro bono eye surgery.

‘Oh my God. Oh my God.”

Those are Cynthia Burke’s first words after Senator Rand Paul, an ophthalmologist, completes her eye surgery, removing the cataract in her right eye. Lying down in the operation room, Burke, a 55-year-old woman from the Ozarks town of Fredericktown, Mo., looks up. Standing above her are Paul and another ophthalmologist, Barbara Bowers, both dressed in blue scrubs.

Because of her cataracts, Burke hadn’t been able to perceive much color, and couldn’t see at all in her right eye when there wasn’t natural light. But now, with the surgery just completed, Burke’s sight is already hugely improved. “You have on blue clothes,” Burke marvels.



  1. I bet Chris Christie wouldn't do that pro bono even if he was a doctor.


  2. No big deal Dr. Meeks Peninsula Eye did the same thing for me except purple was my best color change


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