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Friday, August 23, 2013

DHS Employee Who Buys Department Guns Runs Racist, Homophobic Website

Ayo Kimathi, a Department of Homeland Security tasked with buying guns and ammo for the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement, runs a racist, homophobic website called “War is on the Horizon.” He calls himself the “Irritated Genie.” The site required approval from DHS, but Kimathi did not. His former supervisor told the Southern Poverty Law Center that she was “stunned” by the site. “To see the hate, to know that he is a federal employee, it bothered me,” she said. DHS signed off on the site based on Kimathi’s description, but apparently did not bother to check the site.


  1. It shows that his female boss had no clue as to what he was doing. That being the case, she shouldn't have been appointed to the job in the first place. She probably doesn't have a clue of what her job is either. Just another air-head appointed by another air -head Democrat.

  2. Obama Crooked MotorsAugust 23, 2013 at 9:58 PM

    Wow, what a twisted lunatic this guy is. Please, don't tell me they let him keep his job at DHS, Nah, really?

  3. And how is this acceptable?

  4. And Paula Deen's career is basically over for admitting she said the "n" word in 1987 after she was held up at gunpoint.

  5. bring it on! I got a few rounds for him! But I won't be selling them to him!

  6. Obama will give him a promotion.

  7. Even if he "loses" his job, he'll still get his money from our taxes. And we're supposed to think that they can properly handle gun control. Their own people are RED FLAGS, in relation to firearm ownership... should they be in charge of ordering ammo and firearms? How about... NO!

    If that were my site, do you think I'd be allowed to own firearms? Nope, they'd be at my door ready to confiscate. Deeming me a "domestic terrorist".

  8. 9:58-Thanks a lot.Your comment got me fired.Just kidding.


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