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Sunday, August 04, 2013


Democratic Rep. Charlie Rangel called the Tea Party the “same group” of “white crackers” who opposed civil rights in an interview published Friday.

“It is the same group we faced in the South with those white crackers and the dogs and the police,” the longtime New York congressman told the Daily Beast. “They didn’t care about how they looked.”

Rangel said the Tea Party should be defeated the same way segregationists were ultimately beaten.



  1. isn't Charles so very special???... a true racist at heart and doesn't mind saying so.

  2. But that is ok ?? I'll bet nobody calls him a racist...
    But I am ....It works both ways. He needs to be fired.

  3. He's just another liberal democrat racist moon cricket. Maybe he also wants a picture of the astronauts putting a US flag on Mars.

  4. I would prefer that he call me "honkey."

  5. Dark clouds are the downfall of America. Tell me I'm wrong.

  6. Looks like he has received orders from Ob' to try to take the heat off the "scandal" investigations.

  7. So the media tore down Paula Dean for a racist comment. Where's the outrage on this!?

    If I use the N word, I'm going to get tar and feathered!
    Screw that P.O.S.

  8. Anonymous said...
    Looks like he has received orders from Ob' to try to take the heat off the "scandal" investigations.

    August 2, 2013 at 4:33 PM

    Obama gives him and all Democrats their marching orders. They don't know how to think for themselves and he knows it.

  9. Come on guys. We know there are a lot of racist whites in this country.

  10. It was his own party that continued slavery, and used it very much. Hate this guy so much, he's a horrible excuse for what our tax money pays for. He should be fired immediately, or maybe attend counseling with Riley Cooper.

  11. how come they can call us crackers, but god forbid i use the "n" word? and im tired of how blacks get away by saying its their word. if anything, we made it up, and i want my word back!

  12. If I'm a white cracker, He's a chocolate oreo! LOL.

  13. He needs to study his history a little bit..it has been the DEMOCRATS that have been the opposition to civil rights, beginning with the KKK...which was the enforcement arm of the DEMOCRATS

  14. Uh, Charlie? Those white crackers in the south were DEMOCRATS you idiot.

  15. The party he belongs to is the racist party. Democrats were responsible for the KKK and all the efforts to stop the civil rights movement.
    What a complete fool!

  16. It's the same old crap - when there is nothing intelligent to say call everybody racist.

    I thought the Tea Party was for adherence to the Constitution and for being fiscally responsible.

    Remember,if you disagree with anyone of color EVER you are branded RACIST. Thanks Comrade Obama for bringing us closer together. You are truly the great unifier.

  17. Whenever i hear a black person refer to a white person as a cracker i think of racism. Hhhmmmmm

  18. " Alex said...
    Rangel is right"

    Jeez Alex, you really are a contemptible little prique, aren't you?

  19. The tea party is the only sane group out here.

  20. Go figure Alex would support this tax cheating low life hypocrite...

  21. Obama Crooked MotorsAugust 2, 2013 at 10:19 PM

    Let me just say Paula Dean was making her own money and got fired for racist comment made many years ago. "Representative" Charlie makes racist comment today. Lets's not forget he gets paid with our TAXPAYERS MONEY. Fire this bum! Or does he represents Democratic Party views?
    BTW, Alex is an Idiot.

  22. Swing Low Swing ChariotAugust 3, 2013 at 4:31 AM

    Well, let us do what he claims we are doing

  23. Just another POS that has never done anything for the black people but keep them enslaved.

  24. Maybe the NAACP should also be eliminated because they are full of black people!!!!

  25. This is why we still have racism. Poor leadership

  26. Pure garbage. The man has never had any honor or code. He feeds on his own people, both black and white, and is only concerned with lining his pockets by whatever means possible. People like him, Sharpton, Jackson and others have set race relations back 100 years. Humanity would be much better off without him.

  27. 4:57 And there are a lot of racist blacks in the country also. Dont think there isnt, you would be a fool to do so.

  28. I say we should start using the "n" word every chance we get. Supposedly, we are protected under the first amendment just as blacks are.

  29. I'm a life long Republican,but the tea party is a bit too much.Some who are most likely running on the 2016 Republican ticket have already expressed the intention of doing away with it.In life,not every hard line unyielding approach always works.

  30. 8:37 I hear your point but I will say this. BOTH parties have power grabbed in the last 20-30 years and perhaps its time to take a new approach. Voting for people you may not otherwise vote for might be a good strategy to get the old guard out and new blood in.

    Let them duke it out for a couple of years and see where we are.

    I believe it may be worth a try. Look at Maryland - one party state. We NEED to vote in someone other than a democrat just to upset the system.

    THAT might be worth a shot.

  31. 8:37 You are the problem with the "moderate Republicans". Compromising with socialism/Marxism is no solution. These days call for a return to the principles of the founding fathers and the constitution. Purging the Republican party of conservatives will only make it a pathetic Obama-lite party that no one can support. Grow some gonads. Time is growing short.

  32. Is this man not aware that Martin Luther King was a republican? Is he not aware that the Democrats are the very people keeping the people of color enslaved? This man does not know his history.


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