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Sunday, August 04, 2013

DC Area Teens To AG Holder: We Want To Live Without Fear

George Zimmerman's acquittal in the killing of 17-year-old Florida teen Trayvon Martin made him a free man. But, teens in the D.C. area say there's still justice to be done in the case, and they're taking their message to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder.

Teens involved in the Community Public Awareness Council, or C-PAC gathered with members of the organization for a rally Saturday afternoon at Largo High School, where they read letters they'll send to Holder's office.

The Justice Department is currently investigating whether Zimmerman, 29, committed civil rights violations against Martin on Feb. 26, 2012 - the night he shot the unarmed, black teen. C-PAC says the letters are intended to persuade Holder to continue his probe, and to prosecute Zimmerman if evidence shows he committed a crime.



  1. " if evidence shows he committed a crime."

    Soooo..... All the King's horses and all the King's men couldn't come up with any evidence.

    Meanwhile, in DC and Chicago, Blacks are killing 17 YO Blacks at around 1,000 a month! So, yeah, you might be next, but it won't be by a George Zimmerman type!

  2. Zimmerman's innocent. Martin was the criminal. He went looking for trouble and found it. Get over it, Black Community.

  3. The verdict is in. Just be done with it! Martin was a drug user, a thug who had been kicked out of school and his hone by his parents. By the way Holder is a liar and can't be trusted.

  4. What a bunch of brainwashed idiots. If the had one ounce of sense (or maybe is it honesty?) they would know they have an overwhelming more likelihood of being killed by another black.

  5. Want to live without fear? Try not beat and armed mans head into a side walk.
    Or are you complaining about somebody protection their salve law.

  6. It should read 7 people showed up to protest. But none of them new what they were protesting. Silly fools.

  7. If you don't act like a thug, then you don't have anything to fear from someone who is defending himself.

    Y'all better be watching out for your own neighborhood thugs instead ....

  8. So where is the OUTRAGE from the Blacks when they commit 85% of the crime against Whites?

    This is ALL B.S

    I hear Spike Lee is looking to do a Movie about Travon...$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  9. Holder is one of the biggest crooks around...HE should be under investigation!

  10. Let the brothers go!

  11. Just another manufactured diversion to take our attention away from what Ob' is doing to us.

  12. Yo defending yo self will only get more children killed. They just learnin to be players.

  13. I just looked around and he's gone , Abraham , Martin and John.

  14. Why is everybody in this photo hiding their faces behind a sign? Because they know the effort is BOGUS!

  15. If these parents/guardians had been raising their children as they should have and been talking to them about right and wrong we would not be having the killing of black on black, black on white, and so on. As the saying goes, "A day late and a dollar short".

  16. That boy is his mom's son, but where is his daddy?

  17. What part of NOT GUILTY of 2nd degree murder and NOT GUILTY of manslaughter do they not comprehend? No one ever denied he shot the thug and the thug died. Is the English language that hard to comprehend?

  18. Eric doesn't know it yet but he's bitten off more than he can chew.

  19. The justice dept is investigating nothing. They want to achieve the verdict that Osama fought so hard for in the first place, with the underlying reason, old double tongue Barry (if I had a son) Sorento, not lose so much horse face, after the fact, only because he refused to keep his big racist mouth shut. He's NOT my president, he's just one more racist in politics. f.h. The pretend justice dept by media retrial, is just a last ditch effort to show the democratic/leftist/liberal morons the power of their exalted leader, Kim Jung Sorento. They're the idiots that put this foreign dictator in the oval office in the first place. When the final curtain falls, so will everything the liberal welfare masses, once took for granted, and even then, they still won't have a clue, as to why it all took place. Killing and crime across America will be the return on their investment. It's going to happen because there is no other path for Americas future, with the non existent political guidance, now present.

  20. Where was all the outrage when OJ Simpson was cleared of killing 2 white people? Where was the DOJ did they investigate to see if the civil rights of 2 whites were violated?

  21. They have met the enemy and it is them.

  22. DOJ should be looking into helping control the streets from gangs in Baltimore instead of looking to place blame. There is a REAL race problem on the streets. God help us.

  23. "Anonymous said...
    That boy is his mom's son, but where is his daddy?

    July 29, 2013 at 7:27 AM"

    Who knows 7:27? Your guess is as good as his mother's.

  24. Not my president either 10:38. My standards are much higher than to ever say ghetto boy is my president. President or not he would never ever be allowed in my circles. He's not only a loser but he's crude and vulgar.

  25. Luckily, I lost all faith for humanity long ago.

    These guys/gals are more likely to be killed by the person holding the sign next to them, than they are by some random "white guy".


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